Part 61 - ...???....

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"Uh... Are you insane?" Cross uttered, sharpening his sword. "Classic Chara is an uncontrollable demon... only way to hold her off is... uh..."

CC looked at Cross in confusion, "Classic me? She can be beat with a simple enough tactic, but... no one would like it..."

"Let me guess, again with cleansing the soul?"

"Eh similar concept. But with more risks. I'm the only one knowing about this. Classic me is able to be suppressed, but... only for about a year... and each year it has to be the same thing... problem, I can't do the steps, and the host body will... most likely go into a coma at best. Worst, well... die..."

"So, the risk is a coma?"

"Partially. There is also just as big if not more chance of memory loss, or pain in random time intervals. And that's if it's a monster. For humans, well... the consequences are worse..."

"There will be screaming... the procedure I know is extremely painful for humans... monsters, they somehow endure it better and just grunt. Last time I did it on a human was ages ago... but I still remember the steps and items needed."

"If it's Milly, by any chance, hehe... good luck getting her to agree... She knows of this procedure, and she's the only other person who knows how to perform it on others. She isn't very pain tolerant though. So this will be at least extremely scary for her. Either that, or she will run and hide."

"You knew this before and you didn't say?!"

"Hey, it slipped my mind, okay?!"

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