Part 46 - Not Again...

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From Hyksos2001 - *Teleports Dream and Nightmare to the door of Milly's room* Please try to cheer her up...

Dream shook his head, "She would hate us for that!"

"Dream, Dream, Dream... Are you nuts? She needs us to help her..." Nightmare listened through the door.


"Quiet!" Nightmare whispered.

He listened, and...

"Chara, why are you acting like this? Just stop... I won't get Frisk to Reset... Go bother them yourself......... Chara, I'm serious... Just-........... I know, I'm hiding it... They'd hate me... all this time and they don't know about........... Chara......... leave me alone............. I may have friends, but they would hate me........... yes, I know......... wait, what?............... No... I didn't know........"

Nightmare seemed confused. "She's talking to herself in there..."

"What?" Dream muttered.

Nightmare leaned away from the door. "She... She mentioned Chara... and hiding something from us?"

"Chara?! Should we tell Classic?"

"No! Not until we are certain. We... should leave for now... Guys, ask Milly some questions because I know she can still hear you... she won't talk to us... we tried that path before... she will talk to you..."

"Night are you crazy?! She needs us to-"

"Oh now look at the role reversal!"

"What? No! I'm just saying with Chara involved-!"

"Classic doesn't need to know yet. Not until we are certain Chara is behind this. Guys, it's up to you now."

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