Part 27 - Speed?

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From Hyksos2001 - Classic, how fast are you?

"Uh... how do you want us to measure that?" I asked. "And also, from what I know, he's pretty fast when someone he knows is in danger."

"Yep, I am."

"Ah! When-?! I thought you went to Grillbys!"

"I did. And I'm back." Classic smirked.

I sighed, "Fine... just..."

"Anymore questions for Milly? She deserves it... oh, and Justsomeononherey48 says hi."

"Who...? I don't recognise that name..."

"In other words, y/n."

"Oh! How is she, by the way?"

"Well, she told us her backstory, and uh... it's not a very pretty one..."

"Yeah I know... having to watch her little sister get killed in front of her had to be traumatizing..."

"Anyway, ya playing Skyrim?"

"Yep! I'm only at the beginning though..."

"Oh right... Can I watch?"

"Sure thing!"

"But again, any more for Milly? Questions or safe dares? She really deserves it."

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