Part 17 - Prank Time!

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Luna snickered quietly, drawing up her plan. She was more into pranks than Ink, so she figured plan it out, give him the rundown, and drag him there.

She loved Outertale. The stars were so gorgeous, and she could just let go. She could be alone to her depressed thoughts up there-

She shook her head, shaking off her past trying to come back on her. She had finished making her plan, and went to find Ink. Surprisingly though, he found her.

Turned out, they were both planning a similar trick. They combined them, and went to Outertale. They snuck up on Outer, who was stargazing, and Ink used his brush to begin painting shooting stars.

"Shooting stars?! Those are extremely rare-! Wait... are they...? Duck!" Outer exclaimed, ducking behind a rock.

Luna snickered, turning into a wolf and turning her eyes red. She also drank some ketchup, staining her mouth red. Ink dusted Luna's muzzle in powdered sugar, making the wolf sneeze slightly. After Luna shook herself off, she growled lowly, and moved towards the rock Outer was behind.

"Who's there?!" Outer called.

Luna moved around the rock, and bared her teeth at the skeleton in front of her. Outer cowered back, and Luna immediately felt bad.

She barked, the growling stopping. "Outer, it's okay! We were dared to play a prank on you... I'm sorry..." Luna muttered in telepathy.

Outer glared, "Try and think about the pranks next time! Did you kill anyone?!"

"No... this is powdered sugar and ketchup..."

Outer sighed in relief, "At least no one got hurt. Right?"

Luna nodded, and raced through a portal to the doodle sphere. She had to wash herself off.

Ink walked away slowly, whistling and trying to look like he was just passing through. Outer saw him, and smirked.

"Oh no you don't, Ink. You have to pay a price."

"What price?" Ink asked nervously.

"Those galaxy pens? Yeah, let me borrow them for a week or so."

"What?! But-!"

"I'll give them back. I'm not cruel, ya know?"

"...... Fine... Here..."

"Thank you. Now, any asks for someone who hasn't gotten much spotlight yet?"

"How do you-?"

"I was notified too, remember?"

"Oh yeah... Later Outer!"


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