Part 52 - OOOHHHH!!

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"Well, the fans have spoken, Milly. Fess up!" Ink smirked.

I sighed, blushing. He wasn't here, so... it wasn't a big deal, right? I took a deep breath, and sighed again.

"Okay... I... kind of like........ Um....... Uh........ I-I.... L-l-like......." I stammered.

"Come on. Say it~ the audience wants to know~..." Dream smirked playfully.

"Don't rush me!" I yelled out of embarrassment. "Uh... Um....... R-Raven! There! I said it!"

Dream, Blue and Ink smirked. They all harmonised.

"Milly and Raven, sitting in a-~"

I stood, staggering a bit, and ran off. I made it to Hotland, and Alphys let me stay in there to cool off. I though it would be wise for me to tell her what happened.

I skipped saying Raven and just said someone. Alphys and Undyne both pestered me, until I broke and told them, but immediately after I did...

"New OTP!! Undyne, you owe me 5 dollars!" Alphys smirked. Undyne handed her the money.

They had a bet over who I liked...

(Side note, they know about AUs.)

And Alphys kept saying her OTP ship other than Sans and Luna was going to sail. I looked at her in embarrassment and fiddled my hands a bit.

"Uh... yeah... about that... I uh... I can't tell him... not yet..." I blushed.

Undyne asked, "Shy, are you?"

I whimpered a bit and nodded, hiding my face.

"Well, just say it in an echo flower or a letter!" Alphys smiled. Ever since her and Undyne got together, she was better at not stuttering.

"... it's not that easy..."

"Well, write a song and sing it to him! That's a romantic way to do it!" Undyne smirked.

My eyes widened, and I shook my head, "No!"

"Why not? You love singing!"

"Yes but when I do it in front of him it's like my throat closes up and I can't sing! So that's not an option!"

"Then... let the audience decide!" Alphys smiled.


"Or even have them set up Raven to go on a flight with you. Then, you can tell him!"

"I prefer the flight idea... that way I can get confident before anything else..." I smiled. "Thanks girls."

"No problem, Punk! C'mere!" Undyne smirked, and hugged me.

I quickly escaped. I knew she was testing me. She did that randomly. She would hug me tightly, and then I would have to escape. It was an exercise.

Anyway, guys, please at least get Raven to meet me on Sunset Cliff. He knows what I mean.

Heck, you might even see how I met Raven if you want that to be shared too.

Sunset Cliff is where we met. So, he should remember where that is. Please, do that for me, and the rest will be up to me...

I hope I'm ready for this...

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