Chapter 8

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"Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes" i strummed the guitar as I was singing. Putting my emotions into it. After giving Santana a present secretly I wondered what she thought about it, Did she like it? No she probably threw it away.

"But it's the only thing that I know.

When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes, It is the only thing that makes us feel alive"

The clapping coming from the doorway startled me. "Oh sorry I didn't notice you where here"

Lauren sat on the edge of my bed "it's okay you were to busy playing. What was that right now, the song I mean what's the songs name?"

"I honestly don't know I haven't came up with a name for it" I shrugged setting my guitar next to me

"What's it about maybe I can help you" I gave her my lyric journal which had tons of songs on it

"It's only half written" she pointed out, grinning at the lyrics

"Awww this song is so cute you should sing it sometime" I shook my head

"Nah no one would like to hear it, it's not that good either"

"Are you kidding me?! This song is good I like it" I tried to take the paper away from her but she got up and flipped through the journal

"Some of these songs are spectacular you should put these on your next album" I got up and yanked the journal out of her hands

"No thanks"

"So who's this song about? it can't be about no one because it includes 'love'"

"What if I told you it's about Elliot" she laughed "That'll be hard to believe considering you're 100% gay and he's constantly hooking up with Marvin like right now"

I rolled my eyes "Is that why you came over here to disturb me"

"No I'm actually leaving in a bit. I just came here because I heard you singing

And I also felt like bothering you of course"

Lauren left a couple of minutes later, she didn't tell me where she went all I know is that she left to go eat. I was stuck in here with Elliot and Marvin today. We haven't decided what we were going to do for New Year's Eve since it was just around the corner, I wouldn't mind going to Times Square watching the ball drop, then again it'll be kinda depressing seeing all these couples kissing when the clock hits midnight.

The next couple of days passed by in a breeze and before we knew it was New Year's Eve. The 4 of us had decided to go to Times Square, well it was more of Elliot's decision but I wasn't complaining. Elliot had said that we should leave around 7 pm while Lauren said that we should leave a little later since it was supposed to be freezing and she didn't want to be outside in the cold. Marvin just said that we were leaving at 8:30 and hopefully arrive by 9 at night and we all just agreed.

"We're leaving in an hour!" Elliot shouted from the kitchen. I had put on two long sleeve shirts with 2 jackets

and a coat with some gloves and a scarf and at the end a beanie on the top of my head, you could actually barely see my face with all of the clothing covering me.

I went to the kitchen to look for Elliot "Is this good enough?" I asked Elliot. He looked at me and started laughing , I looked at him generally confused

"You- you look like a marshmallow with that white coat on, you also look really comfy and warm with all them layers of clothes. You're good" I gasped at his comment of me looking like a marshmallow.

"Okay guys are you ready yet!?" Marvin and Lauren came down together, they had clothes on but not as much as me

"Let's go guys"

The wind outside and the coldness of the air was too much. We were waiting for the ball to drop and it was barely 10

"There's still 2 hours left and I'm already freezing" I told Elliot

"Sucks to suck. You're the one that has more clothes than all

Of us combined you shouldn't even be that cold" He shrugged and looked ahead at the crowd of people

"I'll be right back" Elliot told me, now I was stuck by myself. Lauren and Marvin moved a little closer to get a better view of the ball when it drops, I didn't want to move because I didn't want to feel squished with all of those bodies around me. I stayed back and was about to get farther when a girl bumped into me

"Hey watch where you're going" she told me picking up a sign that said 'Happy 2015'

"Sorry I didn't see you there and I'm- omg Jamie" I hugged her well tried my hands could barely go around her back because all of my clothing was in the way and hers too, probably the most awkward hug ever.

"Dani I didn't know you'd be here by yourself?"

I shook my was immediately "no I'm with my friends they're moved closer, I stayed here" I put my hands in my pocket of my coat

"Would you like to come with us?" She smirked

"If you don't mind then it'll be fine"

"OF COURSE WE DONT MIND" she grabbed my arm and dragged me with her smirking along the way.

"So Dani what have you been up to?"

"Um nothing much" I gulped

"Hey guys I brought someone!" she shouted to two girls who had their backs turned towards us. Recognizing the faces that just turn around i internally was grateful but was also nervous

"Hi Dani long time no see" she shook my hand hard and squeezed it, I whimpered, I smiled softly at Santana. She smiled back at me

"So Isn't this a lovely way to meet am I right Dani" Jamie nudged me I just smiled at her "yeah lovely" i mumbled

There's was only 5 minutes left until the clock hit 12. Jamie and Megan kept the conversation going and talked about how they met and how there date went and stuff, the whole entire time I was staring at Santana and she didn't seem fazed by it.

"Only a minute left OH MY GOSH I CANT BELIEVE IT"

Everyone was counting down along with a big screen on one of the building a showing how many seconds there was left

There was only 30 seconds left now

Santana was behind me counting down with everyone else. She looked so cute

People around us started shouting the last ten seconds of the clock











"HAPPY NEW YEARS" Megan grabbed Jamie and kissed her, I turned around and grabbed Santana by the neck softly and kissed her. At first she wasn't kissing back but after a couple of seconds she started kissing me, she put her arms around my waist pulling me closer to her. These were the lips I've been craving for so long and I'm finally kissing them, with her arms wrapped around me.

With her I felt at home, I felt happy.


This was supposed to be a sad chapter but I changed My mind

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