Chapter 9

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"Happy New Years Love" I whispered against her lips, I could see a smile break out in her face in between kisses

"You too" she connects our lips together for the third time

"There's children here and can you two stop sucking each other's faces we're leaving. Lets go Santana" but before they could pull her away she grabs my phone from my back pocket and types something in it

"See you later Dani" she waves and walks off. I smile like a goofball, when I look at my phone I noticed she put a message of her own in, there's letter and numbers in it then I realized it's her hotel information in where she's staying at. Oh

(Santana's pov)

After we left we went back to the hotel but instead of Jamie and Megan going to their room they came to mine

"What was that Santana? I thought you said you wouldn't give in to Dani" Jamie said smirking while Megan rolled her eyes

"I wasn't it was just- just ughh... I don't even know how to explain it, she just kissed me and all those feelings came back you know and I wanted to push her off but I just couldn't.. I couldn't push her off, my heart wouldn't allow it" Jamie and Megan nodded like they understood what I was trying to say

"I feel like I should give her a chance you know...yeah she messed up but I messed up too and she gave me chance when I had cheated on her" I said honestly, I felt so vulnerable being this open to Jamie and Megan and they looked really understanding through everything

"You know what I think you should do" I shook my head

"You should just wait it out, basically take it slow with her, let her take you on a date like you were teens again let her do all of that romantic bullshit to prove to you that she is willing to be with you" Jamie looked at Megan shocked at what had came out of her mouth

"Megan has a point just take it slow okay Santana slow" The knock on the door made me jump

"Calm down Santana it's not a serial killer, or maybe it is" She got up to open the door

I saw Dani standing in the doorway talking to Jamie like nothing

"Okay so we are going, have fun to whatever boring stuff y'all are doing" Jamie left with Megan following closely behind briefly stopping by the door and mouthing 'take it slow'

"So um hi" she shyly made her way towards the bed, i patted the bed so she can sit on it

"Hey good thing you came I was hoping we could do something"

"Yeah totally whatever you want to do" I started thinking on things we can do until she interrupted my thinking

"No wait can I take you somewhere?" She looked down looking at her fingers, why is she all shy all of a sudden what's happening in that head of hers

"Um.. yeah sure just let me put my coat and gloves on" she nodded

She had brought her car with her I wondered how if she came with He friends

"How'd you get your car?"

"We all went back to my place and it was kind of hard sneaking out especially since Lauren kept asking me if she could go with me to 'the club'" I looked at her playfully

"At the club ay, you told her you were going to the club but you were actually coming to see me"

"Of course, I'll do anything just to see your face" I blushed, remember take it slow

"So what's up with you and Lauren are you not together or you never were or what?" she asked hinting a bit of a jealousy in her voice, I decided to tease her a bit

"Well we were more like friends with benefits, constantly having sex everyday making out everyday all of that good stuff" I saw her grip the steering wheel

"Really?" her voice sounded sad and angry at the same time if that was even possible

"Nah I'm kidding we were dating for a while then she asked me to be her girlfriend and I nicely declined it, I felt bad because I kinda led her on and it was my fault for letting it get too far and she ended up developing feelings for me and stuff while I didn't feel anything when I was with her or when she was kissing me" She turned to look at me and smiled "yes!" I heard her whisper I was guessing to herself but I happened hear it and giggled

She started driving up a hill in the middle of nowhere and I wondered where she was going

"We're here" she said getting out of the car and going around the car to open my door, she offered her hand and I took it. We walked a little more up the hill until we came in view with the whole city of New York, the city was shinning and beautiful at night with all of the lights shinning from every building, house, and restaurant out there

"Wow" I tried to take in what I was seeing "just wow" I was speechless

"Beautiful huh?" I nodded

"I came here one night by myself after I- well I got some drugs from this guy, felt like shit but I needed them they were so addicting, I couldn't go one night without doing them. I ended up on this hill were you are sitting at right now looking at the city In front of us shinning and I thought 'why am I doing this to myself? I'm a better person than this' I just... I couldn't seem to let the pain go away, I felt like drugs were something that would make the pain go numb and it worked"

I looked at her. Drugs? I remember Elliot mentioning Dani being a mess cause of something but I never would've believed if you told me if Dani was the one that was addicted to drugs. Just to numb the pain, the question is what pain was she feeling?

"I'm sorry San, I let you down I felt like I let you down. I'm just-im just so sorry" she started sobbing, I pulled her in for a hug and she immediately buried her face in my neck crying her eyes out "I'm sorry" she kept on saying over and over again "it's okay we all make mistakes and some are just worser than others but we all make them" I kissed the top of her head.


This was more of a filler chapter.

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