Chapter 13

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I knocked on her door with a rose on my hand for the third time hoping she would open up but she didn't, was she mad at me or something. She couldn't be asleep it was already 3 In the afternoon, and usually she would wake up around 12.

The door opened but It wasn't hers, it was the one next door. "Hey Dani what you doing?" Megan said with a brownie in her hand

"I'm Just waiting for Santana to open up to see if she wants to hang out" I she Shrugged and leaned against the wall

"I dont think she came in last night or maybe she did. I'll go ask Jamie"

Jamie and Megan came back with a key in Jamie's hand

"This is her hotel key we had a spare since they gave us one" She opened the door and the first place I went to was her room, I looked around for any signs of her being here earlier but nothing. I came close to a picture laying next to her bed making me smile. I thought she threw this away but I guess she didn't. I put the rose on top of the picture hoping she would see it when she comes back, grabbing a little piece sticky note she had on the top of her bed I wrote something putting it next to the rose. I smile... oh how much things I would do just to be with you again.

"Her room looks untouched" I plotted down in the couch I sat when I came here last time

"Why don't you try calling her you have her" I nodded and looked for her number on my phone

One ring...

Two Rings...

Rin- " Hello " My heart dropped trying not to think about all the bad possibilities of why she had her phone

"Hello who's this" The person on the line said. I mustered up the courage to actually talk

"Um this is Dani" Damn it

"Dani? Dani! Hi why you calling, I didn't know It was you it said 'unknown number in the caller id"

"Yeah I was calling to talk to Santana this is her phone right?" Just trying to make sure why Lauren had it, maybe Jamie gave me the wrong phone number

"Yeah it is and she's sound asleep right now I'll tell her you called" I sighed

"Okay" As I hung up I looked up seeing her friends outside the door both patiently waiting

"So?" I covered my face with my hands trying to keep those thoughts away, but of course I couldn't

"I should've know!" I tightened the grip on my phone. I got up and left, leaving Jamie and Megan shocked at my outburst. Of course they were together. Why was I mad, we weren't together, she could do whatever she wants.

There was only one logical explanation why She answered Santana's phone 'she's sound asleep' yeah sound asleep alright. I got to my house and slammed the door

"Hold up Dani calm down"

"I can't believe she slept with her. I know we aren't together but it hurts it just hurts" I tried to hold on the tears

"Wait who are you talking about Dani"

"Who else? Fucking Santana, she slept with Lauren, I-I didn't believe it I couldn't believe it" I didn't notice someone else presence next to him

"Wow my best friend slept with Santana" I looked up and Marvin was standing against the doorway and he looked at me he had an 'I'm sorry' look

"No seriously she did? I didn't know you two were a thing"

"We aren't, were is more like it, but we were getting there or so I hoped we were" Marvin looked sad

"Look I really am sorry about my friend being a cockblock to your relationship with Santana" I chuckled

"Dani calm down just think about the future okay? And if it did happen so what are you going to accuse her of cheating?" that made me laugh

"That laugh means progress" He pointed out

"Possibly progress. I'm going to sleep" I said avoiding Elliot's gaze

"It's 3 in the afternoon!" They both shouted at the same time once I was upstairs

"Do you honestly think I give a shit!"

(Santana's pov)

Lauren had just dropped me off, slamming the door from my hotel room,I was met with two serious and angry faces in front of me. I gulped

"Where were you?" I don't feel like talking about this right now

"Nowhere" I started walking away

"Where were you and don't you think of saying 'nowhere' " Jamie looked pissed

"With Lauren, jeez whats with the harsh tone"

"Doing what?" She crossed her arms

"What is with all these questions"

"Just answer it" Megan said totally forgetting she was there

"I went to sleep at her apartment okay. Happy?" They looked content with the answer. Literally have they never slept at someone's place.

"Okay. Well Dani came around earlier and she was looking for you looking really happy, then she just left after calling you looking mad what was that about San?"

"She didn't call me?" Did she?

"Are you sure because she was on the phone for a good minute or two..."

"She didn't call me" I said, I checked my phone to make sure if she did call me and they were right she did call me at 3:23 pm. Shit I was asleep at the time.

"Oh...she did"

"She was mad after the call she stormed off pretty pissed"

"Okay guys. I'll talk to her later" I pushed them off the room "now leave I want to sleep, I'm tired.

"But it's just 5'o clock"

"And? people in China are sleeping right now therefore I can sleep too"

"But that's beca-" I slammed the door in their face

I went to my room stopping when I saw a red rose next to my bed with a note attached next to it

'Hi Santana I just want to tell you that you're beauty amazes me every time we're together, sometimes I wonder if your real or not. I wanted to hang out with you today but you weren't here...bummer... but it's okay because I have a good feeling that whenever you receive this note you'll be smiling at it and it makes me smile just thinking about you smiling and me being the cause of that beautiful smile of yours. I just hope that we can hang out soon, I hope I won't be a bother to you and if I am I just won't bother you anymore. Now yes I don't know how to end this note so I'll just end it with an 'Goodbye sunshine' But then I feel like it'll be cheesy so I'll just end it with. Have a good day!(I know boring right:p)

P.s Thanks for keeping the photograph It means a lot to me:)

She was right I did have a big smile plastered in my face, my heart occasionally skipped a beat when I read the note over and over again. I honestly felt like shit thinking about what happened last night, after that I don't even know were my feelings stand for Dani, I just knew that I couldn't keep pushing my feelings away.


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