Chapter 29

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"Can you help me with this Dani?" I nodded and grabbed the handles of the pan and put it on the stove. I rubbed my eyes and sat on the counter

"Santana's still asleep?"

"Yes, she doesn't wake up until around 12 or even 1 sometimes" It was barely 9 so I doubt she'll be waking up anytime soon.

"Go wake her up" Her mom, Maria hurried me

"No because she's going to be grumpy and she probably won't talk to me the whole morning for waking her up early" She rolled her eyes

"How long are you two staying?" Maria turned on the stove

I shrugged "probably for a couple of days. Maybe a week, I still have to visit my parents probably tomorrow. Today I just want to spend my day with Santana and probably go to breadstix, I haven't been there in a long time and I know how much Santana loves breadstix" she laughed

"That is true she might as well marry breadstix instead of you" I laughed along with her "Okay since you are both staying here for a week then there's only one rule and I think you know what rule it is" I tried to figure out what she was talking about but I couldn't find out

"No sex in the house" I gasped

"Can we at least have it while you two are gone in Sans room" she shook her head

"If I catch you then I'll kick you out" I snapped my fingers

"We could still have sex at my house" she raised her eyebrows and leaned against the cabinet

"Kidding! no sex at all....okay got it" She hummed and turned her attention back to what she was cooking

"Now if you excuse me I have a girlfriend to wake up that is upstairs sleeping soundly" She smiled

"No funny business!" I walked up the stairs

"It's good to be back" I mumbled

I opened the door to Santana's room and of course Santana was still passed out. She looked so cute, she had one leg dangling from the bed, basically half of her body was out of the bed, she was gripping on the sheets tight like they were going to leave her. I got in front of her and kneeled down to the bed level and kissed her forehead

"Baby, San wake up" no response "San come on babe, we have a big day ahead of us" I shook her lightly, I sighed and placed my lips on hers, at first her lips didn't move but then I was being pulled forward to the bed

"Oh my god that's such a nice way to wake up" She gripped my neck tightly and pulled me in for a kiss, she was currently on the bottom while I was on top of her

"Shit we should stop" I looked down at San and noticed she didn't have a shirt or bra on. How does one person go from extremely cute and adorable to fucking hot and sexy

"You-your moms downstairs" I gulped and got off the bed still looking at her chest

"Well I guess we have to be quiet don't we?" She got off the bed smirking

"San get ready we are going out" I said hurriedly, she looked at me confused


"Just out okay" Once she turned her head I immediately ran to the door and went downstairs accidentally bumping into Santana's dad. I was always scared of her dad, yeah he was cool and very carefree but he still scared me.

"Um hi" I nervously said

"Hi Dan you're up early" I looked up at the stairs checking for Santana

"I was helping your wife with some stuff sir" he only nodded before turning his back towards me and walking to the kitchen. I went back upstairs and I saw Santana mumbling something I couldn't quite hear

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