Chapter 11

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"Ready for Yor drug test?" Jason said standing next to me. I was. I had nothing to worry about I haven't done any drugs in a month...or maybe I have I just couldn't remember.

"Okay Dani just pee in this cup, was going to have someone look at you while you do it but I feel like that's too much so go on" He gestured towards the restroom. Once I was done I handed the cup to one of the guys that took it and put it in a bag. Deep inside I was hoping I failed the drug test just to stay here, it wasn't just that I wanted to stay here and spend time with Santana to recreate everything we had. But somehow I knew that I would be leaving soon.

"Okay Dani your results should be here in 5 to 7 days" I shook his hand and exited with Jason next to me. We went back to his office and he just paced around his office

"Okay so let's get down to business, have you wrote any songs?" I wrote one but it isn't finished

"Not really" He turned towards me and looked angry

"Dani!?" He cried out "We need songs and if you pass that drug test of yours we will start work by the end of this month got that" I nodded "When you're done writing at least one song bring it to me gots it" I nodded "okay now shu shu I'll call you when your results are here"

I went back to my house to find The house empty, no Elliot anywhere. Weird but calming. I sat on one of the stools thinking about texting Santana I retrieved my phone from my pocket searching for Santana's number until I realized I didn't have it. Dumbass why didn't you get her number. I smacked myself in the head, how can I forget to get her number. I remembered where she was staying at maybe I should go visit her. Or maybe I should stay here. what if she's busy? What if she doesn't want me there? Oh Jesus to go or to not go.

"Hi DANZ" I rolled my eyes at the nickname

"HALLO ELI" I said in an accent

"What are you doing"?

"I honestly don't know" I said laughing

"How was the drug test?"

"Good. Weird but good, I was thinking about what you said and what if you're right. I can't just leave, I don't want to leave on tour again.I love my fans but I just want to be here" I sighed

"For me or Santana?" he gave me a pointed look

"Not going to answer that"

"So it is for Santana" he smirked "Then If that's the case you don't have much time since she's supposed to leave by the end of January only 3 weeks Dani 3 weeks" He said

"I don't want to rush it, I want to build that connection with her again. That bond we had before, I know it's still in there somewhere I just have to find it"

"Well good luck with that Dani" he ruffled my hair "Now you should go to her hotel and ask her to hang out with you"

"but-" he cut me off

"No buts, go. you're the one that said that you wanted to recreate everything you had with Santana now go and I expect you to at least get her number by the end of the night" He laughed at fact that I didn't have her number yet. I huffed and went to my room to get ready.

(Santana pov)

"I'm sad" Jamie was laying in my bed scratching my head for no reason

"Calm down she just went to the store" I told Jamie. She's been like this for the past 30 minutes, yapping about how amazing Megan is and how she misses her but in reality she's been gone for less than an hour

The knock on the door is enough for Jamie to leave my side and go running towards the door

"Oh it's just you" I hear Jamie say disappointed of the person in the door not being Megan

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