Chapter 24

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(Danis pov)

Nothing like waking up in the morning with pain in your stomach and your cheek. I touched my cheek lightly making sure not to touch it hard because it'll start hurting. I moved around trying reposition myself making my stomach start hurting, I groaned making Santana stir around. I lifted my head up seeing Jamie on her bed. I tried to get up but the pain in my ribs was making it difficult to even do anything. Jamie was awake and she saw me struggling making her get out of her bed

"Is it really that hard to get up?" She grabbed my hand making sure not to touch San while I was getting out of bed. I forgot I was still shirtless.

"Um well" I gestured towards my bruises making her gasp

"Dani what happened? Did you get into a fight with Santana or something?" I shook my head as memories of last night replayed in my head making me clench my fist

"Lauren happened"

"She did this to you?" I nodded making her clench her jaw "Was Santana there when she did this" I nodded "of course she was, she was making a move on Santana and I just had about enough, first at the club now here" I heard a yawn coming from behind me making me turn around. Santana put her hand at where I was laying previously moving it around a couple of times before she opened her eyes making her turn her head towards me and swing off the bed like a lighting strike

"Dani? What are you doing up? You can't be standing it will hurt you please lay down" she grabbed my hand trying to pull me towards the bed

"Babe I'm fine, it doesn't hurt that much" Okay that's an understatement it hurts like a bitch but I wouldn't tell Santana that, it'll just make her worry.

"Still I don't care if it hurts or not, I want you to rest the whole day" I sighed making my way back to her bed, from the corner of my eye I saw Jamie laughing making me flick her off

"Whipped" she mouthed making me roll my eyes

"Hey babe" I said making Santana approach me, I grabbed her arm making her fall on the bed next to me. I bit my lip when I felt her body come in contact with mine

"I'm so sorry Da-" I cut her off by placing my lips on hers "It's okay" I placed my lips on hers again, Her hands made her way to my stomach

"Break it up you two" Jamie said smiling lightly "Since Dani still isn't well I say we should stay in" she clapped her hands together "First let me call Megan" Once Jamie left I looked at Santana and pouted

"But I wanted to take you somewhere special" I interlaced our fingers together

"Change of plans" she tried to get up but I tightened my grip on her making her back hit my bare stomach "But date?" I mumbled "Dani no you can't even walk right and that bruise on your cheek is bad enough already" I groaned "then I'm not letting you leave" I kept my grip on her making her chuckle "Well can you at least put a shirt on so you won't hurt yourself even more" I let my grip loosen making her open the drawer next to her bed. She threw a sweatshirt at my face making me close my eyes. The next thing I know she's across the room smirking at me

"Really San?" I groaned trying to put the shirt on, once I put it on I got up and started making my way to her "aww little D got up" I gave her a serious look making her laugh, she starting running towards the kitchen making me run to her. Of course I failed miserably, my stomach ached, I finally got to the kitchen seeing Santana sitting on the counter looking at me with concern. I clutched my stomach

"Dani are you okay?" She approached me and put her hand on my bruised cheek "It just hurts" I mumbled

"I'll get painkillers" She came back with two pills "here this should take care of that pain" I drowned the pills down and I immediately started to feel better, the pain was still there but it was bearable

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