Chapter 14

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"Keep going babe" I moaned

"Fuck Dani" I grabbed her hair and pulled her in for a kiss

"Little rough are we" she smirked "wait for it" she broke the kiss and sucked on my neck making me moan. She started leaving butterfly kisses on my stomach then one on each of my thighs making me squirm

"Ready?" she smirked, I nodded fast ready for for her touch

She inserted two fingers inside of me
"Oh my" she pumped in slowly, after a few seconds then she started doing it fast feeling the pits of my stomach tie Into knots

"I'm g-gonna..."

"Wake up?"

Please don't tell me this is a dream. My suspicions were confirmed when I opened my eyes and saw Dani sitting on the edge of the bed making me feel embarrassed that I just had a wet dream about her just moments ago

"Sorry I just heard you whisper something and I thought you said you were going to wake up but I was confused since you're eyes were still closed" I put my hand on my forehead and felt little beads of sweat on it, I quickly wiped it off with my hand

"You okay San?" I love when she calls me that, I know my friends call me that but the way it rolls off of Danis tongue sounds so much better

"Y-yeah just sleepy and tired"

"Oh well in that case I'll leave I was just..."

"No, no you can stay" Her eyes brighten up

"Okay! What you do this week?
Anything interesting" Yeah it was interesting all right, really interesting

"Nothing much I just hung out with Jamie you know"

She nodded "I called you" she rubbed the back of her neck shyly

"I heard. Jamie told me that you called me by the way I happened to notice a rose attached with a note when I came home the same exact day, any idea who's it was" i said changing the subject

"I don't know. What did it say" she's looked down at her lap

"It said some very nice things about me that made me smile really big" I giggled

She looked up quickly "really?" she said trying to hide a smile. I just nodded. Come to think of it how did she get in the room? I didn't even ask her, it was probably Jamie or Megan that let her in.

"Hey are you hungry? because I'm pretty fucking hungry, you want some waffles we could go get some" getting up I put my shoes on

"Yeah sure. I'll drive"

We went to a mini coffee shop two blocks from where I was staying at
Once we got there Dani ordered and we sat across from each other
"W-why didn't you answer when I called you?" shit.

"I was asleep" I said looking into those brown eyes that were starring at me intently

"Yeah I know Lauren told me"

"Lauren told you what?" She was about to speak up when the bell from the door rang signaling that a customer came in, her eyes went to the direction of the bell and widened. I turned around

"Oh shit"

She locked eyes with me and came to our table pulling along Marvin who did not look to pleased about this

"Mind if we sit with you?" I looked at Dani and she was just looking down, I smiled at Lauren and nodded, she sat down next to me while Marvin sat next to Dani. Ugh.

"Did you already order?" she put an arm around me, I shifted uncomfortably just by her touch, I looked at Dani and she just looked at Lauren with fire in her eyes, she looked angry.

"A couple of minutes ago" Just then the waiter came over and brought us our food. I was about to start eating but then Lauren took my fork and placed a piece waffle in her mouth
"You're not going to feed me" I looked at her like she was crazy. She has to be kidding right?

"Are you joking?" I laughed along with Dani and Marvin

"No I'm being serious can you feed me" I didn't want to do it but something in my mind was telling me to do it.

"O-Kay" I grabbed bits of my food and fed her. In the corner of my eye I saw Dani rolling her eyes, I giggled at her reaction she caught me giggling and giggled back.

"I forgot to tell you that Dani called. Hi by the way Dani" Dani said 'hi' back, having a fake smile on Her face
"We have to go Lauren say bye I have to talk to you" Marvin said with a stern voice, she pouted and kissed me on the cheek.

"See you later San" She brought her hand to the back of my neck and kissed me in front of Dani. That's great.

I didn't respond to the kiss and I guess Lauren seemed to notice it this time because she frowned and walked away
"Can you feed me too?" Dani said in a kids voice bringing me back to reality, I looked at her and she was pouting
"Ha ha very funny. I didn't want to do it"

"Yet you did it, I wonder why" She tilted her head to the side slightly "I-I thought you and Lauren weren't dating?"

"We aren't" she scoffed

"What was that?" she hummed and shook her head

"Why'd you do that you don't believe me?"

"I do believe you I always have San. It's just by the looks of it it looks like you and her are dating"

"We aren't"

"What are you two then?"


"Like me and you" she pointed her finger at herself and me


"The last time I checked friends didn't fuck. That is unless you two are friends with benefits" i tried avoiding her eyes by looking around but I failed and found myself looking at those brown eyes

"We-W-We're not fucking" I stuttered

"It would feel better if you wouldn't have to lie in front of my face" But I wasn't lying. It was a once in a lifetime thing

"Okay maybe once. We fucked once that's it" I said. "But I was drunk and stuff, I said it before we aren't dating it and that was probably the last time I'll have sex with her" she chuckled
Ignoring it she changed the subject

"Friday Me and Elliot and a couple of my friends are going to be spending the weekend at my cabin would you mind coming with us? You could bring your friends with you if you want and I guess you could bring Lauren if you want" she smiled then frowned when she mentioned Lauren

"Yeah I'll go with you" She grinned

"Okay awesome!"
Sorry for the shitty chapter.

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