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Yoongi walked his way inside the company building, a slight smile across his face as his co workers welcomed him back

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Yoongi walked his way inside the company building, a slight smile across his face as his co workers welcomed him back. Instead of going to the testing department, he walked into Jaebum's office.

"Good morning."

Jaebum looks up from his computer and smiles, taking off his reading glasses. "You're back sooner than expected." The man stands up and walks towards Yoongi.

"Missed you too." The two hug momentarily before Yoongi sighs. "I think I am ready to boss around people again."

"Mm, wouldn't you just love that." Jaebum chuckled as he grabbed a gift bag and handed it to Yoongi. "Don't worry, you'll get your position back soon enough. We have plans for you."

"You always have plans for me." Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows as he pulled out a box from inside. "Is this what Joon was telling me about? ARMY?"

"Yes sir. I need you test it for me. So you get a free one."

"Don't make me feel special, you gave these to everyone."

"Ah come on, give me some credit. It was my idea after all." The two exit the office and make their way to the testing wing. "We added some security checkpoints at each wing. No worries, nothing too big of a change but... definitely needed."

"How did the shooters get in? I thought you needed to be a worker to come inside."

"We still get visitors. People applying for jobs, possible partnerships, tourists—Yoongi, this is a business. You can't secure a business a hundred percent without taking precautions. Unfortunately, we didn't take those precautions."

Yoongi looked worried. "No one was hurt, right?"

Jaebum smiled as he shook his head, the two were right in front of the testing wing, where there was now a guard awaiting there. "Just a security guy got hit on the back of the head, but he has fully recovered. Nothing else."

The blue haired smiled as he spread his arms out for the guard to scan him with the metal detector. "Good."

"Hyung!" Taehyung was quick to hug Yoongi as soon as he stepped into the wing. "Welcome back."

The older chuckles as he gets the boy off of him. "Gotta make money somehow."

"You just saw him two days ago." Namjoon smiles as he shakes his friend's hand. "Welcome back bud."

Yoongi sits back on his desk chair, sighing at the familiar AI welcoming him. "I missed work."

He truly did. Anxiety may have gotten the best of him. He loved work, even if he complained about waking up early and all the side work he had to do. Work kept his mind clear of other things. Actually, that's one of the reasons he came back to work. Get his mind off of things.

Maybe if Namjoon kept his mouth shut, he wouldn't have been reminded of such thing he didn't want to think about.

"So, how did dinner go with Jimin and his parents?"

Yoongi pointed at his computer. "I haven't even logged in and you are already making me regret coming back to work."

"Hey, I'm just wondering." The older Kim sat next to his friend, looking at Taehyung to ask as well.

But the younger Kim didn't get the memo just from being looked at. "What?"

Namjoon rolls his eyes as he looks at his pale friend. "Did things go well?"

Yoongi shook his head as he logged into his computer. "Not really."

"What happened hyung?" Taehyung then gasped. "Did they think your outfit was bad?"

"No..." Yoongi turned his desk chair around and shrugged. "The only reason why Jimin's mom invited me to have dinner was to boast and make her other son seem like the better son. Basically to mock Jimin."

Taehyung and Namjoon both looked at each other before turning back to Yoongi. The younger one was confused. "Why was she there in the first place then? Just for that?"

"No, Jimin said he had gone visit because they saw him on the news after the shooting. But the only reason they wanted to see him was to see if he had changed jobs." Just thinking about Jimin's complicated relationship with his family saddened him. "They were going to stay at his house for two nights to see the house and where he worked."

"Were?" Namjoon's eyes widened. "It went so bad that they aren't staying anymore."

"Jimin came out to them."

"Oh." Taehyung could empathize with Jimin. His parents had cast him away when he merely gave the idea that he wasn't straight. But of course, that was a long time ago. He wouldn't dwell on the past and the rejection of his parents for too long, or the sadness would take over.

"While you were there?"

Yoongi turned his chair bak and looked onto his planner, seeing lots of work to be done for the day. "Yeah and please don't make a big deal out of it but... I told him I liked him."

But of course, they'd make a big deal out of it. In no world could you tell Kim Taehyung and Kim Namjoon that their ship was sailing and expect them to be quiet.

"Oh my god are you fucking kidding right now?!" Namjoon started bouncing up and down, squealing as he shook Yoongi's chair.

"Hyung's getting a boyfriend!" Taehyung can't hold his excitement as he starts wailing his arms. "You've grown up so fast!"

Yoongi can't help but just bang his head against the desk, groaning away his annoyance. "Thanks for letting the whole fucking wing know I like someone."

"Wait what did he say back?"

The embarrassed boy raises his head at Taehyung's question. "Well... that's when his family decided to leave. So all he did was... cry."

Namjoon rolled his eyes. "It's been two days. You telling me you haven't gone to see him or talk to him since?"

At the shake of his head, both Kims groan and raise arms in frustration.

"I can't believe I have to do this right now..." Taehyung pulls his phone out and Yoongi watches him, wondering what he's doing. He raises the phone to his ear. "Hey Jimin."

Just as Yoongi launches for Taehyung, Namjoon grabs him and hugs him.

"Yeah, I was just wondering, are you busy these days?"

Yoongi struggles against Namjoon, muttering curses and threatening his friend.

"Ah... I'm sorry about that."

The two struggling friends stop as they stare at Taehyung's expression fall to that of a serious ons.

"Yeah, I can let them know. Again, I'm sorry." He hangs up the phone and looks at the two. "Jimin is back in his hometown. His mom is in the hospital after suffering a cardiac arrest."

"Oh." Is all Namjoon can say to the news.

Yoongi just looks back at his computer, trying to get his mind off of Jimin, and failing miserably to let go of the worry that lingered all day long.

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