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"How's your mom?"

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"How's your mom?"

Yoongi tries to ease the tension between the two of them. Jimin has calmed down from crying, but he still sniffles every so often and he has a fluffy yellow blanket wrapped around his shoulders. It took a good five minutes to have Jimin come out of the closet—no pun intended. Now, the two were gathering all of Jimin's candles and flashlights. The blond was too scared to let Yoongi go back to his house and get anything they might need.

He barely has spoken other than, Yes, No, or Over there. Yoongi knew he wasn't just upset about the storm.

"She's... fine." Jimin pulls on his blanket as he puts down a flashlight on the counter. "She was too stressed from work and I guess me giving her a hard time brought her to the edge."

"It's not your fault."

"Can't help but feel like it is..."

Yoongi couldn't figure out how to make him feel better. He knew that feeling—Guilt. Not just any guilt. It's the type that is caused by the anxiety from uncovering your deepest secrets to someone you trusted enough to love you and accept you no matter what... yet they still rejected you. So instead of casting them away, you feel as though you are to blame.

"Um... I know it may not be the best time, but I'm ready to tell you chapter three."

To that, Jimin looked up from having brought candles to the counter.

The blue haired boy cleared his throat and nodded to himself. "Suran and I broke up not much long after I isolated myself from everyone else. She... She kept wanting to do things I wasn't comfortable doing in the midst of my grief. And a lot of questions about myself kept being unanswered. Like... who I was."

Jimin sat at his counter as Yoongi looked through the cabinets of the kitchen to see if he found any canned food or drinks that didn't need to be refrigerated.

"I had always been unsure of my sexuality and with her, well I guess dating someone pretty bad makes you question it even more." He nodded as he grabbed a can of noodles, placing it on the counter and directing himself to Jimin. "When I finally figured it out, that I was bisexual, I told her. And it didn't go so well with her."

"She didn't like that you were bisexual?"

Yoongi chuckled. "She hated it. She said 'No wonder you wouldn't have sex with me, it's cause you're a fag.' And proceeded to just uncover the truth." He saw how Jimin's hands fiddled, so he grabbed onto the right one, smiling sadly. "She said she was unsatisfied to the point that she had to go find someone else on the side."

Jimin's eyes widened and he looked up at the sad smile on Yoongi's face. How could he smile like that? No wonder he kept calling her names. She deserved it.

"So I broke up with her. Well... she would have done so if I didn't." Yoongi thought long before knowing if he should keep going but right now, this wasn't the time to go any further with his story. "End of chapter three."

"How could she do that to you?" The older noticed the scared look had turned into pure anger on Jimin's face. "Y-You were grieving! Your parents had just died! And all she cared about was fucking?!"

Yoongi laughed as Jimin let go of his hand, grabbing onto the side of his face, an attempt to calm his anger. "Now you get why I was so angry."

"Was? WAS?!" Jimin begins shaking his head, the blanket falling from over his head. "Give me her address, I'll give her a piece of my mind."

"Part of moving on is letting go... right?"

Jimin smiles, his anger not calming—it truly was a psychotic smile. "I'll fight the bitch while you do that."

Jimin's anger calmed to that of just annoyance as Yoongi laughs, gummy smile and everything. He realized that Yoongi no longer got angry or upset while talking about his past, and just as he thought to point it out, thunder interrupted him.

"Why are you scared of thunder?" Yoongi asks as he goes to Jimin's side.

The blond shakes his head, not really thinking of it. "I don't know, I just am."

"You can't be scared of something for no reason." Yoongi pushed Jimin towards the blond's couch and sat with him, legs crossed as he faced him. "My mother was scared of thunder because of one reason and one only. Wanna hear it?"

Jimin nodded, and without giving it a thought, cuddled up against the blue haired boy, blanket still over his frame as he offered it up to cover his friend's lap.

"Well when my brother was four, it was a really stormy night." Yoongi grabbed onto the blanket and fidgeted with it, being nervous because of the sudden closeness.

Keep it cool, it's just friends being friends.

"That night, my brother had gotten really sick. It was late and there was no way anyone could drive in such a storm. So my mom and dad got stuck at home, not knowing what was wrong with him." The older boy chuckled at the memory. "Mom said I slept through most of it, that's why I don't remember it much."

"You sleep a lot."

"I like sleep."

Jimin giggled as he looked up at Yoongi. "So what happened?"

"Dad said that Jun Ki's fever was so high, he should have been dead. He passed out and my mom was in mass hysteria, sobbing her eyes out cause she didn't know what to do—They had tried everything." Yoongi then slightly shrugged and looked down at Jimin. "When the morning came, Jun Ki woke up and his fever was almost all gone. The storm had finally passed and when they took him to the doctor, doc said Jun Ki had a weird periodic fever syndrome."

"He gets fevers often?"

"Not anymore. It's a kid thing."

The younger yawned and laid his head on Yoongi's shoulder. "Hyung..."


"I like you too."

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