51: Bonus

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"Bananas have more dna in common with humans than they do with other fruits," Jungkook tilts his head in confusion, "I really have to get an actual intro, these fun facts are giving me an existential crisis."

He takes a sip of his water before taking a deep breath and starting up his video.

"Hey guys, it's me again, Jungkook. Now I know I usually don't post vlogs on wednesdays but today is a bit different. Today we're doing a Q and A with my boyfriend!"

Tawhyung walks into frame, cheering for himself as he sits next to Jungkook on the bed where they were filming. "Hello!"

"Introduce yourself." Jungkook laughs as Taehyung looks confused.

"I thought they already knew who I was from that video of us—"

"Yeah yeah, but do it anyway."

Taehyung turns to the camera and waves, "Hi guys, my name is Taehyung, you can just call me Tae. I'm Kookie's boyfriend."

"Let's jump right into it, you read one question and I read one and we'll alternate." Jungkook scrolls through the hashtag and silence overtakes them and Taehyung can't help but laugh. "What is it?"

"Is this how Q and A's go? You don't already pick the questions?"

"No because sometimes you can find a really good question while filming..." The younger mumbles as he reads through tweets.

"So half the storage of your camera is overtaken with footage of you sitting on your phone in silence?" Taehyung stares at the camera as he points at Jungkook.

"Pretty much, yeah." He mumbles again.

"Fun fact about Jungkook, whenever he's too focused on something, he mumbles."

Jungkook pushes him playfully as he smiles, "Shut it you nerd, when you are too focused you stick your tongue out."

"Okay, and? I still look cute." He fakes flipping long hair as he does aegyo for the camera.

The younger rolls his eyes and reads from his phone, "Alright first question, who asked out who?"

"I did." Taehyung puffs his chest out, "I'm such a man—"

"You didn't ask me out, your friends invited me to your party."

Taehyung's eyes go wide and he crosses his hands over his chest. "That wasn't a date!"

"You were all over me though~"

Jungkook laughs as Taehyung turns red, "I was drunk and you were hot, sue me."

The younger hands him his phone and points at a question to read. "Moving on."

"Who initiated the first kiss?" Taehyung looks genuinely in thought. "I think it was a mutual thing, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, if either one started it, it was because the other one wanted a kiss." Jungkook reads from his phone as he places his chin on Taehyung's shoulder.

"I mean, if we have to say someone it was definitely me."

Jungkook turns to look at him, surprised at the addition. "Nuh-uh!"

Taehyung turns to look at him and the two are barely grazing each other's nose. "Really?" He then leans in and kisses him to which it leaves the younger flustered.

"You can't be doing that!" Jungkook laughs as he grabs his phone from Taehyung's hands. "Geez, I probably look all red in camera... Oh, funny question, who's the top?"

Taehyung just stares at the camera, raising his eyebrow. "I don't think we need to answer that." He starts reading a tweet but can't help but laugh his way through it. "If o-one of you were to be—what the fuck— were to be a worm, would you still date them?"

Taehyung bursts out laughing as Jungkook thinks about it. "I don't think I'd date you if you were a worm."

Taehyung immediately stops laughing and turns to Jungkook, a serious expression as he asks: "You wouldn't date worm me?"

"Of course not, I'd be taking care of you all the time with nothing in return. I can't kiss a worm and a worm can't take care of me." Jungkook shrugs and he points at Taehyung, "You wouldn't date me if I was worm."

"Yes I would! I'd protect you from birds!" Taehyung crosses his arms, "I see I'd be left for dead."

"I mean, I could keep you as a pet—"

"Nah, I see how it is." Taehyung rolls his eyes as he waves his hand. "Next question."

Jungkook laughs and Taehyung smiles as he stares at him read the question, "What's one small habit the other one has that you love?"

"Oh!" Taehyung claps his hands in excitement. "You got this weird habit, like, you take pictures and videos right and he'll literally just completely immerse himself into taking the perfect picture or have the perfect angle for videos—He just forgets the world exists and he'll mumble to himself how pretty things look."

The younger blushes and he turns away, "Shut up, I don't mean to do it..."

"I'm not complaining, you look cute when you do it."

Jungkook chuckles, "Well, I find it funny when you sneeze. He sneezes really loudly and then acts like he didn't just scare the whole world."

"Wow, I say something sweet and you make fun of me—"

The youtuber begins waving his hands in defense as he nervously laughs, "No, I find it endearing—"

"You judging my sneezes now?" Taehyung pouts and is about to continue fake complaining when Jungkook pecks his lips. The two stare at each other for a second and the older shrugs with a small smile forming on his lips. "Okay, yeah, I guess my sneezes are funny."

Jungkook turns to the camera and claps his hands, "That's all the time we have today, thank you for the many questions you guys sent and don't worry, I'm sure we'll do another Q and A in the future together. This has been Jungkook—"

"And we'll see you in the next video!" Taehyung shouts and Jungkook laughs as he stops the camera from recording.

This video would obviously, surpass his most viewed video and gain a few more thousand subscribers because everyone loved to see 'Taekook' be a happy couple together.

a/n: no one really voted for what they wanted next so i just... guessed. next will be namjin and hoseok and i'll post a q and a of just... things i hoped someone would have asked and also honorable mentions to my most interactive readers! after that, this will officially be a completed work!

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