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It was a beautiful day, the air fresh on Jimin's face. It felt as though he hadn't left his house in months when really, it had only been six days.

Jimin is standing on one leg, leaning against the car as Yoongi pulls out a wheelchair. Jimin found crutches to be a pain and to get around, he much rather look completely crippled.

"Why are we at a graveyard? You said we were going on a date." Jimin sighs as he sits on the wheel chair in front of Yoongi.

"We're having lunch here." The blue haired boy chuckles as he grabs onto the chair, making sure the backpack swung around his shoulder was closed.

"Baby, this isn't very romantic..." The boy mumbles but Yoongi just smiles.

He knew this wasn't very ideal but he needed to do this. The two go in and Jimin begins feeling nervous. What were they here for? Who were they visiting?

The further they go in, the more nervous he gets. Yoongi places the wheelchair in front of two tombstones and Jimin's shoulders finally fall from the stress.

"Hey ma, hey dad." Yoongi smiles and he points at Jimin. "Here he is, my boyfriend!"

Jimin looks up at Yoongi and then back at the stones. The boy stands up, only to kneel before the gravestones, his leg barely moving.

Yoongi smiles as he hears Jimin mumble a few prayers before he helps him up onto his wheelchair again. "You didn't need to do that."

"Well you've never told me if your parents were religious or not..." Jimin shies away. He wasn't a man of religion either but he always found the tradition of honoring those who have passed away a much needed action. Paying respects to him was as if they were alive and he sure would have loved to impress the Mins.

"My father was religious, mom wasn't the praying type." Yoongi sits on the floor next to Jimin as he sets up a blanket in front of the gravestones. "Even with them having slightly different beliefs on religion, they still got quite along with how they expressed it towards us. My mom knew Junki took after my dad so he was taken to church while I took after her and stayed at home on Sundays."

"So you were a mom's boy and your old brother was a dad's boy." Jimin smiles to himself, his blond hair falls over his eyes as he looks at the stones. "I don't know why, I thought you'd be more like your dad."

"My dad and I argued a lot. His idea of success and happiness was different to mine. While Junki settled for the simple life the same way my dad did, I dreamt the same way my mom use to." Yoongi has laid out a few plastic bowls with food on top the table.

The older helps the temporary cripple down onto their make-shift of a picnic and the two settle down to eat.

"I know this isn't very romantic." Yoongi says apologetically as he opens Jimin's bowl which contains a sandwich.

"You know what?" Jimin smiles as he grabs onto his sandwich and stares at the gravestones. "I actually like this very much. I always wanted to meet your parents from the very first day we met. I always wondered who raised you."

"Welp..." Yoongi smiles to himself as he watches Jimin eat. "I guess I can tell you the last chapter of my story."

Jimin's eyes widen as he chews, nodding for Yoongi to continue.

"The final chapter is with my recovery." Yoongi smiles as he holds out his hand and Jimin takes it. "I don't want you to worry when I tell you this. Will you promise me you won't change your perspective of me when I tell you this?"

The dancer is quick to look worried. What could change his opinion of him? What was worse than being depressed over the deaths of your parents and your girlfriend cheating on you? Did he turns to drugs? Maybe he was secretly part of a gang? Is he a criminal?

"I promise."

Yoongi's eyes turn to gaze into their hands. The one thing he hadn't told anyone yet was his finale step into accepting recovery. "When I started seeing a therapist, things weren't going according to plan. I wasn't getting better and I could barely talk to my friends without wanting to shun them out. Things weren't getting better and it was mostly because I wasn't putting the effort." He takes a deep breath in and lets out as his eyes meet Jimin's.

Jimin's brown eyes were just that; brown. They were normal and average. So how come Yoongi always felt safe them? Their gaze held such kindness and such passion that they always invoked some sort of emotion. And right now, Yoongi felt confident in himself. He could do it.

"I tried to kill myself."

Jimin's eyes go wide as the sympathetic smile from before wipes off his face, sadness all around his  actions and aura. The way the grip of his hand had loosened, the way his eyes glistened with every blink, and each breath somehow being heavier than the last.

"I went to my brother's house when no one was there, jumped the fence, and walked into his pool, letting go of my breath." Yoongi shrugs. "Even though I tried, part of me regretted it as soon as Junki took me out. It was the first time for years; he isn't an emotional person like I am so... it showed me what a big mistake I was doing."

Yoongi raises his hand towards Jimin's cheek to wipe the tears out of his eyes but the younger is quick to hug him. "Of course it was a big mistake!"

"Well I know that no—"

"What would I have done without you?!" Jimin tries to calm down as he buries his face on the crook of his boyfriend's neck. "You have shown me how worthy of a son I am, how my looks don't matter, that my health is most important, and shown me how to be confidant and more trusting. Without you, I'd still be too scared to go out without make up and still be a fake straight."

Yoongi laughs at that last statement and he hugs Jimin back. "You're the worst straight possible, you have a boyfriend."

"I love you Yoongi," Jimin sniffles as he pulls away, staring up at his boyfriend. "You deserve to live and you deserve the best in the world. I need you with me."

Yoongi smiles as he looks down at Jimin, kissing his forehead gently as the other goes back into a hug. "I love you too Jimin, because you're the one that gave me a reason to start taking better care of myself and showed me that despite being an asshole, living is just what any decent human being deserves."

The two embrace each other tightly as two camellia flower petals fall onto of their blanket. Fall had just started as a chapter in Yoongi's life came to close and opened a new one.

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