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❝how's it going with you and that giant?❞ jaemin sighed out. chenle scoffed. ❝his name is jisung. it's going... fine, i guess i don't know.❞ chenle wondered why jaemin made such a big deal out of it. this is his job after all.

all the cases were the same.

it wasn't anything new.

jisung was the only one that seemed to know about 1-800-DATEME and chenle trusted the boy enough to know he wouldn't expose jaemin.

well, that's because jaemin's on his way to expose his own ass.

did i mention about how jisung literally has no idea who the fuck jaemin is and just calls him ❛the blonde dude that stares at renjun 24/7❜. it was true. na jaemin basically fuck history and just focused on renjun AND jeno.

❝you know if you keep staring at them they're gonna think you're a creep.❞ the younger said. jaemin hit chenle at the back of his head. ❝shut up!! they might hear you,❞ ❝who says they haven't noticed you staring at them since they got here.❞

jaemin pouted. ❝you're so fucking rude to me what have i done to you?❞ chenle rolled his eyes for the 100th time today.

honestly, chenle didn't know how renjun and jeno dealt with his ass. jaemin was so annoying to him—don't even get me started on him.

the orange haired boy sighed as he drank his drink. maybe being a fake boyfriend and getting paid $40 every day wasn't the best idea. i mean of course there were times when chenle really wished he never applied for 1-800-DATEME.

then again, he would be stuck inside his dumbass huge house all day.

maybe this was better.

both jaemin and chenle were drowned in their thoughts and fears that have been eating them alive for quite some time. that of course came to a stop once jaemin saw mark and donghyuck hand in hand.

❝oh my god, chenle! look!❞ the korean male shook chenle.

mark and donghyuck were very close together. donghyuck was laughing while mark looked like he saw an angel. and that angel was lee donghyuck.

❝oh my god... i'm going to kill myself,❞ chenle banged his head against the table.

this was going to be cringey and cheesy as fuck.

and he wasn't ready.


and again, another day of dumbass school. something both chenle and jisung hated. or maybe it was history, who knows. anyways, today was the day that they plan how they will come out. it might seem fast but the dance was near.

and this cringey ass relationship needed to end.

chenle rested his head on jisung's shoulder as he played with jisung's hands. ❝do you really think people are buying this?❞ jisung hummed. ❝we're the only thing people are talking about. i'm pretty sure they think we're actually in love,❞ the taller breathed out.

❝is our story gonna be short or long and gross?❞ chenle softly asked. ❝long and gross? you mean like renjun and jeno hyung's? we've been in the same class for a while...❞

before, renjun and jeno were the one thing people would talk about. that's it. it was always renjun and jeno this renjun and jeno that. but obviously that changed. people blabbing on about the couple reminded chenle of jaemin. he talked about them so much.

he was tired of even hearing their names.

❝hm... how about i started liking you in seventh grade but i didn't want to make it obvious so i kept distance and then i finally confessed to you this year then you said you liked me since freshman year and then we started dating, how's that?❞ the chinese smiled.

he wasn't going to lie; he really enjoyed being around jisung. jisung was a cool person to be around.

he didn't judge like most people at school, he was pretty understanding. he was just a person who can you can feel comfortable around.

and as chenle, he was what some might called a soft boy. he was very energetic and just screamed soft hours 24/7.

chenle was cute.

besides from jiheon and renjun, zhong chenle was the school's cutie.

jisung whined. ❝wait what about me? i'm the dominant one in our relationship,❞ the purple haired male pouted. ❝but then that makes me look like a loser—❞

❝you are one though.❞ the smaller boy let out an inhuman noise. ❝we're only two days into this relationship and i'm already getting bullied...❞ chenle huffed his cheeks.

it was actually very surprising to jisung and chenle to see how close they've gotten in just 2 days. it was like they've been friends forever. but that wasn't the case.

truth be told, the younger actually wanted to become friends with chenle but was too anxious to even hold a conversation with him.

call him a coward if you will.

jisung cleared his throat. ❝i don't know if i said this but thanks for doing this. i know it's... weird. probably different from all the other cases you've had,❞ the chinese giggled. ❝this is my job. i don't think it's that different. i mean besides the fact that we go to school together but maybe that makes it easier?❞

jisung felt a smile tug at his lips.

for some reason, he just couldn't stop smiling around chenle.

it was like this has been the happiest he's ever been.

❝yeah.. maybe this will work out.❞

maybe, just maybe, he could be happy without having worry about kangmin.

maybe he could finally rest.

and he prays that it will stay this way.

[🐰] double update ( ^∀^) i'm worried for my health i don't feel very well and i'm fainting a lot :< my family is just brushing it off :(


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