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today was saturday. the day of the double date. with hyunjoon and his boyfriend. two people, chenle has never met nor seen. like i said before, chenle and jisung barely interacted before this whole mess. of course, they would say hello, but to them, the other was just there.

if that makes any sense.

anyways, jisung felt like he was gonna shit his pants. hyunjoon was one of his close friends, and sadly hyunjoon knew jisung very well. he could see right through jisung. if he found out, how knows what he would say or what would even happen.

kangmin would know within minutes and bother jisung even more.

maybe the maknae is being dramatic.

maybe he's not. who knows?

well, chenle knows. spending 3 weeks with jisung, the boy knew how easy it was to tell if something wrong. park jisung wasn't sneaky about his feelings.

he was painfully obvious like jaemin.

and no, jisung will not stop comparing himself to jaemin. (for some reason).

now, back to this whole double date shit. as far as jisung was concerned, this was a big step into his fake relationship. you know the procedure. talk about the other for a bit then talk about what's most likely this gross ass story of how you got with your significant other.

the poor boy had to sneak out to avoid his parents suffocating him with questions. and now he was at chenle's house. or waiting for chenle at his house. it was so fucking big jisung had no words.

but... it makes the maknae wonder why chenle was working for 1-800-DATEME. he was hella rich. he had everything... so why did he want to work to get money?

don't his parents give him everything?

❝did i take too long?❞ chenle asked. jisung snapped out of his thoughts only to see chenle. he looked so cute. jisung felt his heart to flips as chenle smiled.

there was that feeling again.

chenle waved his hand in front of the other's face. ❝jisung? earth to jisung?❞ the younger blushed and shook his head. ❝sorry. are you ready?❞ chenle nodded.

❝i know you feel like you're gonna shit your pants, i know you well enough as hyunjoon.❞


❝hyunjoon, do you ever not think about perverted shit?❞ jisung rolled his eyes. hyunjoon scoffed. ❝how is me asking if you two have made out already perverted?❞ hyunjoon... he was another fucking different species. jisung was really concerned when juyeon asked hyunjoon out.

hyunjoon was weird as hell.

as the two were bickering back and forth, chenle wondered off. he has been really worried about his parents finding out about this. about 1-800-DATEME. his parents don't even know that he's gay.

was it obvious?

i mean, he hasn't had a crush on someone for quite some time.

and he was doing this for money. something that his family definitely had. but, his life isn't perfect as it seems.

there were things he didn't tell anyone.

things like him being alone all the time. not having anyone to talk to. his parents were also so busy, they barely had time for him. but, isn't that life?

you can't always get what you want.

all chenle wanted was for his parents to notice him.

but that was something that was impossible.

❝lele,❞ jisung said softly. he placed a hand on his thigh. ❝huh? oh, sorry.❞ chenle shook his head. shit. don't fuck up. ❝so how did you two even start dating?❞ the chinese male forced a smile.

jisung put his arm around chenle and giggled. ❝well... i have had a crush on jisung for a while and i had the courage to tell him. of course he said he liked me too but he was a pussy and didn't say anything. so, we wanted to try to see if we would work, and we do.❞ the orange haired boy looked over at the taller.

❝l-lele! i thought you said you wouldn't say that,❞ the younger said through gritted teeth. hyunjoon smiled at the couple.

jisung and chenle were so cute together.

❝he does that to you too? hyunjoon can't shut up about the fact that he kissed me first and—❞ hyunjoon cut juyeon off. ❝because you just stood there! don't you know you should kiss your boyfriend at the door?❞ and of course, hyunjoon and juyeon started talking shit from this.

the chinese looked at the couple fondly. they looked so in love, he really wanted to know what that felt like.

to be in love and to be loved.

jisung held chenle's hands to his lips. he pressed a soft kiss to the other's hands. the elder blushed. ❝jisung...?❞

❝thank you for going through this.❞

i think something's wrong with me. why is my heart beating so fast?

[🐰] hi loves 💕 i'm leaving for hawaii soon so i'm trying to update more as i can! i have good news too! i'm getting a lot better! i don't feel super sad anymore and i'm laughing and smiling now. thank you all for waiting for me. i'm so grateful for you all. i hope you all have an amazing day/night/evening! 💓


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