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chenle stared at mark's text message and sighed. he put his phone down as he bit his lip. was he really ready to settle down with jisung? i mean, don't get me wrong, he likes jisung a lot. but, all his motivation to working so hard and get them money he has now (which isn't a lot) would go to waste.

he wasn't doing to solely find a boyfriend.

he wanted to help people. most of the people who were active on the website were mostly girls trying to get creepy ass men from stalking them. he... finally felt of use for once in his life.

if he stayed, he would probably get fired by taeyong. he broke so many rules. fuck, he's in the hospital. he didn't want to go back to that image of a spoiled brat that is a know-it-all.

the boy hated that more than anything.

feeling useless.

the chinese let out a small noise as tears fell from his eyes.

his small and quiet sobs were the only thing he heard in his room.

i don't wanna feel useless again...❞ chenle turned over in his side as he kept crying.

❝you're not useless. at least not to me and everyone else.❞

chenle immediately sat up and saw jisung leaning against the wall. his face burned from embarrassment. ❝h-how long... how long were you standing there? how did you hear?❞ chenle wanted to curl up in a ball. he knew that jisung would ask him questions and he didn't want to answer anyone's questions. jisung walked into the room and sat on the bed. ❝a good amount.❞

the younger looked into chenle's eyes. ❝why do you feel useless?❞ chenle shifted uncomfortably. he mumbled something that jisung's couldn't understand. ❝lele, i can't beat you.❞

❝because... everyone sees me as some spoiled ass brat that i'm not. and i hate when people always talk about my fault having money. i don't brag about it. it's not even my money. i just... don't want to go back to being seen as a brat. i'm not one...❞ chenle said through sobs. he kept wiping his tears away but they wouldn't stop streaming down his face.

the korean knew that chenle's family had money, but he never seen chenle like this. ❝you probably think it sounds entitled for me to say this. and it probably is. i'm sorry. just forget it. i'm fine.❞ just as jisung leaned in, chenle pushed him away. he had this shield that he wouldn't put down.

❝it's just... i don't know if i should quit or not. i wanna... date you. but this whole job feelings like cheating.. i can't decide.❞

the taller male wrapped his arms around chenle's waist. ❝i'm not gonna brush off your feelings because you told me to. sure, to people it might seem entitled but you're not flexing on everyone every 5 seconds that your family is rich. you're not useless, lele. you're never useless. you helped me. and it didn't go as i wanted it to, but, we like each other, right? we're by each other's side. isn't that enough? if you want to continue, it's okay.❞ jisung pressed his lips to chenle's before falling on top of the shorter.

chenle blushed and looked up at jisung as one more tear left his eye.

❝can i ask you a question?❞

the chinese nodded.

why did you start working?

the older boy widened his eyes. did... jisung just ask him in mandarin? ❝why... why did you...❞ ❝korean is hard for you, isn't it?❞ chenle giggled.

of course. only park jisung would do something so stupid.

chenle let out a small sigh and started talking. ❝my family's money isn't my money. i didn't work for it. i wanted money that i worked for. i wanted to show people that i'm not spoiled. so, i started working part-time at 1-800-DATEME. mark's brother is our boss. mark hyung told me about it and i wanted to see what it was. so, i started part time. and i ended being full time. i just... wanted to do something for myself instead of me relying on my parents.❞

and then i met you. chenle thought. ❝...you were the best thing that happened to me. thank you... for picking me.❞ jisung blushed and leaned back. ❝aah... why are you being like this... but, i'm glad that i met you... thank you for putting up with my dumbass for this whole time.❞

the two boys smiled at each other and kissed.

right now, kissing chenle, felt so right.

it felt as if it was a dream.

jisung was on cloud9.

is it this normal to like someone this much?

or maybe... love?

was jisung in love with chenle?

jisung damn well knew his answer to that question.

❝i think... i found my answer. thank you, jisung.❞ chenle smiled.

jisung looked at chenle and hugged him.

chenle... i think i love you.

[🐰] aaaahhh i'm almost done ;; about 4 more chapters then i have to say goodbye to this book 😭😭 i hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!!


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