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chenle groaned as jaemin stood still. ❝oh my god! dude just fucking go already. you're in student council with renjun hyung already. why are you so scared to talk to them?❞ chenle said. jaemin just shook his head.

like chenle said, jaemin has already held many conversations with renjun and jeno. and even became a little bit closer to renjun by being in student council.

along with literally just staring at the couple all day.

❝i can't. please just let it go, chenle..❞ jaemin bit his lip. recently, he's been feeling insecure around the couple.

some might say he's a third wheel.

the younger boy sighed and nodded. chenle thought it was strange since jaemin was perfectly fine around renjun and jeno the other day.

did they fight?

just before chenle could ask more questions, jisung came along.

everyone was watching.

❝hey, babe. what's going on?❞ jisung tried not to sound awkward but failed as he wrapped his arm around the shorter's waist. ❝jaemin hyung is being stubborn again...❞ the older scoffed. ❝i'm not being stubborn. have you said anything to them?❞ jaemin turned to jisung.

the maknae shook his head. there was really no need nor a point to even mention jaemin's appearance on 1-800-DATEME. it was a secret after all. and it wasn't jisung's place to even tell anyone besides donghyuck about jaemin.

if jaemin wanted to tell someone, he would of have said something a while ago anyways.

jisung smirked. ❝we're both doing this to get you closer to them. go get your men,❞ as for that, both chenle and jisung pushed jaemin towards the pair. jaemin tugged at renjun's uniform. ❝i-i'm sorry—❞ renjun turned around and immediately smiled. ❝nana, we were looking for you.❞ jaemin blushed.

the orange haired boy giggled as he saw jaemin become a mess under renjun. truth be told, chenle has always wondered what it was like to be in love. sure, his job was to convince others that he was in fact in love, but his thoughts always got the best of him.

what was it like to be in love?

❝move outta the way, losers. the superior couple is coming through!!❞ a voice shouted. of course it was none other then lee donghyuck. and of course he was hand in hand with mark.

jisung looked at chenle.

❝since when were mark and donghyuck hyung dating?❞ chenle whispered. jisung shrugged.

that's when it hit the chinese.

how did jisung find 1-800-DATEME anyways? it had to be through someone. someone who has used the website before..

chenle slowly walked out of jisung's hold and made his way towards donghyuck. ❝uh.. hyung.. can we talk? privately..❞ chenle eyed mark. the tanned male looked at mark before nodding.

after walking out of the cafeteria, chenle stopped behind the lockers. ❝what's the point of this dolphin ass?❞ donghyuck said in a tone as he rested on hand on his hip. the younger took a deep breath. ❝are you and mark hyung.. dating?❞

there was a moment of silence before donghyuck opened his mouth.

❝yeah what about it?❞

silence again.

❝do you know something called 1-800-DATEME?❞

donghyuck's stomach dropped.


the elder laughed. he displayed a face of disbelief. ❝what the fuck? what's 1-800-DATEME? is that a game or some shit?❞ chenle's expression completely changed. ❝oh.❞ was all that left his mouth. did donghyuck really not know what 1-800-DATEME was?

chenle blushed from embarrassment. ❝sorry hyung. forget what i asked. uh, i think jisung's calling me,❞ the boy quickly bowed and ran off.

great going, zhong. now he'll search it up and you're fucking screwed.

oh my god what the fuck did i just do?

[🐰] hi guys i'm so sorry i have been really busy recently :(


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