『 six 』

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soobin  wipe his hands using the hand towel hanging on the handle of the refrigerator after he washed the dishes. he then walk in the living room where the older is. he thought that yeonjun is watching as he saw the television open but his thought was wrong. the lad is peacefully sleeping on the couch.

so this is what i look like whenever i'm asleep.❞ soobin muttered to himself and let out a soft chuckle, thinking that he looks cute whenever he's asleep, but he guess it will be cuter if he see the older asleep in his own face and figure and imagining it made his lips automatically curved into a small smile.

shrugging his thoughts off, he stared at yeonjun for at least a minute before deciding to wake him up. he lean his hand towards the older's shoulder but before he touch it, yeonjun muttered something that soobin didn't understand. he thought that maybe yeonjun is just sleep talking as he see his eyes are still close.

he slowly shook the older's body, ❝yeonjun, wake up.❞ he uttered. yeonjun groan and push the younger's hand away which made soobin pissed. ❝yah!❞ he yelled and slap the callant's shoulder, making his eyes quickly opened.

what the h-

do you want to stay forever like this or what? because if you'll ask me, i want to be normal again.❞ soobin said with a stern planted on his face. yeonjun groan and rolled his eyes while his arms were still crossed against his stomach.

he's having a nice.. no wait.. it was actually a wonderful dream where he's in paradise with his prince charming riding on a white horse. okay, maybe he's a gay but he's not sure. a half half maybe?

anyhows, he's about to see the face of his prince but then the younger just woke him up. what a perfect timing.

what do you want to do?❞ he asked and raised his brow. he don't want to act rude as he felt ashamed for soobin who just did the chores that Yeonjun must be the one who will do it yet he just can't help it. he's really that close to see his prince's face and he thought that maybe he's the one who is meant for him but instead of seeing the face of his prince, he saw his own face.

Soobin also raised his brow and crossed his arms against his stomach. he can't believe it, he's the one who did everything and just let the older wait while watching instead of him and now he is the one who is acting rude. ❝let's go outside.❞ he simply uttered and walk away.

he knew that they cannot find the solution for their problem inside the house and Yeonjun also knew that. they both knew that nothing will happen if they just stay inside the house and wait for some miracle happen.

even Yeonjun don't want to go outside as he felt his feet hurts, he still follow Soobin who just went outside the house. of course, he firstly switch off the television before going outside.

now, where will we go?❞ Yeonjun asked before letting out anyawn as he still felt sleepy. actually, he isn't really sleepy, he just want to continue his dream earlier so that he can see the face of his prince.

Soobin shrugged and look around. ❝my guts are telling that it's somewhere around us.❞ he uttered, making Yeonjun furrowed his brows then let out a chuckle. ❝your guts are dumb.

to be honest, he also have the guts that their solution is somewhere out there but his lazy to find it out. strange, he's actually strenuous but now all he wanted is to lay his body on a bed and do nothing all day. maybe this is the reason why Soobin didn't let him to work using his body and now he get it.

now he knew he need everything to be normal again because he's adopting Soobin's personality which is not good. he don't want to be lazy. thinking, he wonder how Soobin's body is still fitted if he's lazy to do chores. he don't know Soobin well as he's in the different class, maybe he joined sports or something.

after walking around for half an hour and finding nothing, Yeonjun stopped for a minute. ❝you know, instead of wasting time finding unknown solution, can we just go back? my feet already felt tired.❞ he uttered and pouted while catching his breathe.

Soobin rolled his eyes, ❝i told you, i don't want to make this things long.

as if we can find it today. we actually don't know how did these happened so how can we find the solution if we don't know how it begins?

hearing what the older said made Soobin formed his lips into a smile and clap his hands. ❝you're right! but how can we know by how it begins?

Yeonjun shrugged before speaking, ❝i don't know. all i know that my feet are ready to give up.

correction, my feet.❞ Soobin said before letting out a chuckle. Yeonjun rolled his eyes and groan. ❝i don't care if it's your feet. i'm the one who feel the pain so let's go back.

before he walk away, Soobin raised his brow once again while crossing his arms on his stomach. why does it sounds like you liked being me and wanted to make this long? because i remember my feet don't get tired easily.❞ he spoke and drew a smirk on his lips.

Yeonjun stunned hearing what Soobin said. the younger was right, he somehow like being in Soobin's appearance but he also hated it. he want to make this long at the same time he want to end all of this and bring everything to normal.

he want to be Soobin where he won't force his smile just to show he don't have any problems but he don't want the lad always take care of him because its his body what Yeonjun is controlling right now. he don't want to be burden over to someone.

why is it hard for him to just show that he's not really fine and he want to cry not to smile.

Soobin looked at Yeonjun and his smirk fade away seeing a tear drop from his eye. he don't know what he was thinking right now. he also cried while watching earlier and Soobin saw that, that's the reason why Yeonjun quickly drifted into his dreamland.

what's wrong?❞ he asked with a not-so-worried expression planted on his face. the older shook his head and wipe his tear, ❝i just really felt my feet weak.❞ Yeonjun mumbled but loud enough for the younger to hear.

instead of getting pity, Soobin laughed, making Yeonjun fall in his confusion as he tilted his head. ❝you'll cry because of that? what a non-sense reason.❞ he uttered and continued to laugh which made the older gritted his teeth.

do you want me to make you cry?❞ Yeonjun said with his raspy voice while giving sharp glare on the lad. Soobin stopped laughing and curved his lips into a smirk, ❝try me❞ he uttered, more like a command or challenge.

he thought Yeonjun will punch him or something but he just ran away which made him confused. running away won't make him cry though, so why did he-

seeing Yeonjun waving his wallet in the air, made his jaw dropped. he check every pocket of his jeans and noticed his wallet wasn't there. he don't know how the lad took his wallet but one thing he's sure, he'll kill him the time he get his wallet from his hand.

he groan and took a deep breath, ❝yeonjun-ah!!❞ he yelled before catching the older.

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