『 twenty-eight 』

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Yeonjun and Soobin's eyes widened after hearing what the lady said. they shouldn't lose their memories because this is the reason why they met each other. if they didn't accidentally switch their bodies, Soobin won't know that the one that he is searching for is just his schoolmate.

he took a glance on Yeonjun who is still surprised by the consequence. ❝is there any other ways? why do we need to lose our memories?❞ he asked after he remove his eyes on the older. Yeonjun just looked at the floor while biting his lip. he knew this was coming because he always felt unhappy whenever they talk about bringing theirselves back to normal.

the lady shrugged, ❝no one should know that i am a witch except for my family that's why i need to remove your memories.❞ she said before picking the book on the floor then put it on the table infront of them.

and also, if you don't lose your memories, it can damage your brain.❞ she continued then opened the book to a specific page. the book is about human body system and spells that can do to a person. every spells has its consequences and some of it are good.

she rotate the book and faced it on the two to show what she meant. she pointed the spell that was casted on them.

they both drifted their eyes on the book and read the contexts of it.❝body switch.❞ Yeonjun muttered.


a spell that can switch the person's body to another body. more like switching brains and guts. this spell can only cast into two alive persons, either same or opposite gender. casting this spell to a alive and dead person won't work because of the heart of a dead person is already not beating. if you try to cast this to a alive and dead person, the alive person might die.

if this spell was cast into two persons more than two weeks, they might get some sickness from their present bodies and the past of the another that had switched on will automatically know by the current person who is in the body.

the consequence that can affect them when they will bring back to normal is that they will lose their memories when they were switched. if their memories won't lose, it will damage their brain because the cells and veins from the body that sends messages to the brain will change and adjust. the brain might not function well on receiving messages and the person can get confused by the adjustments. headaches might occur after bringing the persons back to normal but it will last less than a week.

(omg. what am i writing?!)

Yeonjun let out a sigh after reading then lean his back on the backrest of the chair. ❝can you make that this was just a dream or something?❞ he asked. losing his memories is like losing the happy moments of his life. Soobin is the one who made him genuinely happy. he always forgot his problems whenever he's with him. he met a lot of people but he is only comfortable with Soobin, except for Beomgyu of course because they are friends.

and as for Soobin, he can only show his soft side to Yeonjun. although the way they met was a little bit rough but it lead them to liking each other.

the lady shook her head as a no. ❝i'm sorry, i can't do that.

Yeonjun and Soobin looked at each other before they both let out a sigh. Soobin rubbed his temple while thinking of some things and getting a little bit frustrated while Yeonjun shifted his eyes on the floor and stared at it like it was the most beautiful floor that he seen in his whole life.

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