『 nine 』

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as the two boys stopped infront of Soobin's house, they suddenly heard an extra-ordinary sound. it wasn't scary at all the fact Yeonjun suddenly got embarrased because of that noise but luckily the younger lad just shrug it out.

while Soobin getting his key inside his pocket, he heard the sound which made him groan and gave the older lad a sharp glare. ❝Yeonjun, if you don't stopㅡ

the older groan and spoke, cutting the younger's sentence. ❝how can i stop when my stomach really wants to eat?❞ seriously, Yeonjun already felt starving before they reach the lad's house. he was just keeping it but he guess, his stomach literally wants to digest some food right now.

Soobin rolled his eyes and unlocked the door, ignoring the sound of the older's growling stomach. he switched on the lights and went inside, while Yeonjun following behind him.

get some food inside there or cook anything.❞ Soobin uttered before going upstairs, leaving the older behind without waiting for his response as he already heard his stomach begging for food.

Yeonjun firstly watched Soobin walk upstairs and lost in his sight before going to the kitchen. he don't know why he already felt hungry, maybe that's what Soobin's stomach is- oh wait, even his real stomach. he also remembered that he didn't ate anything a while ago as Soobin snatched his ice cream, but even though, at least the younger still have a kind heart to let Yeonjun eat something.

let's see what we have here.❞ Yeonjun said to himself before opening the refrigerator. seeing inside it makes him wanna cry. ❝how can a rich kid like him don't have any food?❞ for the fact, he can only see bottles of water inside and almond milk.

he firstly let out a groan, with matching growl of his stomach before closing the door of refrigerator. he tousle his hair and roam his eyes around the kitchen to see any stocks of food somewhere but he didn't saw anything except packs of chips inside the cabinets.

checking the refrigerator for the second time, he saw a pack of Korean fish cake and Korean rice cake hidden behind the boxes of almond milk, which made him grinned.

hope there's spices.❞ he mumbled to himself before getting the packs and closing the refrigerator door. he put the packs on top of the table then checked every cabinets to find some spices so that he can make a tteokbokki, and luckily, there is. he also found a pack of ramen behind the packs of chips.

because of being extremely hungry, he quickly get a pot and put some water in it before putting it on the stove. he waited the water to boil before putting the rice cakes, fish cakes and the noodles of ramen. after some minutes, he put the flavourings and stirred it. (idk if this is how to cook a simple tteokbokki asksksk)

smelling the savory smell of the food, Soobin's stomach quickly growl as it was begging to eat. ❝i wonder what he is cooking..❞ he uttered to himself before walking out of his room and walking inside the kitchen.

seeing the older happily stirring the food while enduring the smell of it, Soobin curved his lips into a smile. because of the feeling someone was watching him, Yeonjun looked to his right and saw the younger staring at him which made his heart beat like crazy as if it's ready to explode sooner.

he don't know why that stare is making him crazy mostly seeing the younger's lips are formed into a smile when the fact he can see himself on him. he don't know if he's being attracted to Soobin or to his self figures, but nonethless, he is not a g a y.

Yeonjun cleared his throat before speaking, ❝do you want to eat? i only cooked tteokbokki.❞ he closed the stove after sipping the soup of it to check if it's already delicious, and it is.

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