『 twenty-seven』

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so, you two are dating?❞ Yeonjun suddenly asked to break the weird atmosphere on them, and then looked at Beomgyu and Taehyun.

both of them lift their heads up while munching the food inside their mouths and look at the older. Beomgyu gulp his food before speaking, ❝well.. we're just f-

yes, we are dating.❞ Taehyun cut Beomgyu's sentence.

the caramel-haired boy drifted his eyes on him with full surprise. he didn't know that Taehyun is dating him because he never mentioned that they are dating! he just thought that Taehyun just want to be friends with him. he still haven't confess his feelings to the lad so there's no way that Taehyun is just playing with his feelings, or is he?

Taehyun curved his lips into a small smile as he look at Beomgyu before shifting his eyes on his food and continued eating.

Huening Kai, Yeonjun, and Soobin cooed at the two. ❝look who's blushing!❞ Yeonjun laughed then pointed at the caramel-haired boy sitting beside him who's cheeks are as red as a tomato.

Beomgyu rolled his eyes and glared at him. ❝shut up hyung. as if you two aren't dating also.❞ he uttered making the older stopped from laughing. Yeonjun rolled his eyes then looked at Soobin who's playfully smirking while eating his food. he quickly diverted his eyes on his food when Soobin looked at him.

and i'll stay single here.❞ Huening Kai muttered while munching the food inside his mouth. Soobin shifted his eyes on him as he heard what the younger said. he just let out a giggle then continued eating.

they stayed silent again until they finished eating. they decided to walk around the fields since they still have time before their lunch break ends. they talk about some stuffs and share laughs together while Taehyun is just being silent and listening to them. he will just giggle when the others laugh and speak when they ask something to him. he admit, it's nice to befriend with them.

minutes past by, they separated their ways as they walk to their buildings for classes is about to start later. Huening Kai, Taehyun and Beomgyu waved their hands to the olders before they went inside of their building.

Yeonjun and Soobin waved their hands also and walk on the hallways when the youngers disappeared from their sights. both of them went to their respective rooms and get ready for their class.

Huening Kai stepped inside their room, following Taehyun behind him and then Beomgyu. Taehyun was about to walk inside but Beomgyu suddenly grabbed his wrist. ❝wait.

both of the two younger drifted their eyes on him. Taehyun raised his brow while Huening Kai furrowed his brows. Beomgyu looked at his watch to check the time. ❝we will be back in a minute.❞ he said to Huening Kai which made him nodded.

Beomgyu quickly dragged Taehyun in an empty room at the edge of the hallway. Taehyun didn't bother to speak and just let the older drag him. as they went inside the room, Beomgyu locked the door and look directly at the younger. Taehyun gave him a confused look while waiting for him to speak.

why did you say that?❞ the older spoke and looked somewhere but not on Taehyun's eyes. he cannot stare at him for too long because his heart is beating fast whenever he look at him.

Taehyun furrowed his brows and speak, ❝said what?

that we're dating.

aren't we?❞ the younger raised his brow then crossed his arms. he thought that they were already dating because they ate dinner together on a restaurant and they ate breakfast together earlier on a fast-food chain.

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