『 eleven 』

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wanna know smthng? i got this plot idea of this book from the anime movie "your name"


opening his eyes, Soobin roamed his eyes around the room, expecting that he's not in his room anymore but seeing the furnitures and the style of the room, he can say that everything haven't came back to normal yet. he's still inside the older's body.

thoughts kept running inside his mind. until when will they should be like this? he just hope this will not give a serious problem for both of them.

remembering that he still have classes later, Soobin let out a yawn and stretched his arms up. he still wanted to sleep but he know he can't as his class hours start early or, maybe Yeonjun's classes.

speaking of that, the lad actually got nervous about it. he's just in the 3rd year while the older is in the 4th year already. he literally don't have any idea what are the lectures of the 4th year might will be. he hopes everything will be okay.

as he landed his feet on the floor while scratching his head, someone suddenly knocked his door which made him flinch. he knew there's only one person who's gonna knock. well, they were the only two who's inside his house.

he firstly let out a yawn before standing up and open the door. ❝what?❞ Soobin simply asked with his croak voice while rubbing his right eye to make his vision clear.

Yeonjun didn't spoke right away as he admired his own appearance. ❝so this is what i look like everytime i wake up, cute.❞ he murmured to himself then let out a chuckle, forgetting what he was about to say to the younger.

even though he just murmured it, Soobin clearly heard what the older said. ❝are you here just to see what you look like? well, now you saw it, bye bye.❞ he uttered. before he close the door, the older suddenly spoke, ❝ey, i'm here to get my clothes.

Soobin open the door again then gave the older a confused look. ❝your clothes?❞ he furrowed his brows as his mind still processing what the older meant to say.

the older just hummed while nodding his head and looking at the younger who's still confused. he thought that maybe Soobin is still sleepy that's why his brain is malfunctioning right now.

a few seconds later, Soobin finally got it. as he snap his fingers, Yeonjun flinched by the lad's sudden action then watch him go to his wardrobe to get the clothes that he want. well, it was his uniform for school and for work. but seeing Soobin just getting the uniform made him frown.

also my working uniform.❞ Yeonjun uttered after he get his school uniform from the younger's hand. Soobin raised his brow as he make a stern face. ❝you're not gonna work.

the older furrowed his brows, ❝we already agreed to this!❞ he suddenly raised his voice which made Soobin got irritated.

Soobin gave the lad a sharp glare which made Yeonjun frighten. he didn't mean raising his voice, he just actually got annoyed that's the reason why he shouted.

wait, why is he afraid of the younger anyways? he's older than him. ❝what?❞ Yeonjun scoff then raised his brow, pretending having courage while inside of him is a little bit scared.

Soobin then suddenly smirked seeing the older's expression. he was actually just playing with him. Soobin know what they'd agree yesterday and he do what he says.

kidding, here.❞ Soobin said before getting Yeonjun's working uniform then gave it to him. Yeonjun spoke ❝thank you.❞ before taking the clothes and leaving the younger inside his room.

Yeonjun quickly rushed towards the guest room as he knew he had only a little time left before his shift start. he still needs to explain to the owner of the café why he is the one who'll work.

well, remember, he's still inside Soobin's body.

he actually thought earlier the time he woke up, everything came back to normal. but seeing the pajama that he's wearing, he knew nothing had changed. and now, they need to face other people in their situation.

thinking less, Yeonjun quickly took a shower then dressed up as fast as he can. he don't wanna be late for his work. actually, he never been late since he's not working full time.

finally, he is already done fixing himself, he's ready to go.

you're so tardy.❞ Soobin teased the older the time he saw him coming down from the stairs. ❝shut up.❞ Yeonjun rolled his eyes, didn't even bother to ask the lad why is he doing downstairs and why is he waiting for him. he is in a hurry now.

before Yeonjun touch the door knob of the main door of the house, Soobin suddenly spoke, ❝you'll not gonna get your things?

Yeonjun then turned around and went to the younger who's holding his bag. how can he ever forget that? he totally forgot that he need Soobin's things not his things since he'll gonna attend the younger's class.

thank-❞ before the older touch the bag, Soobin suddenly put it behind him which made Yeonjun confused. if Soobin want to play, he don't have time for this as he is now in a hurry. ❝i'm already late Soobin.

the younger didn't spoke, instead he stepped his foot forward making Yeonjun stepped backward. he then lean his head close him making the older's heart started to beast faster.

he want to push Soobin but his body don't want to react.

who wouldn't fall in his own charms, right?

Soobin then pout his lips making Yeonjun confused. ❝what do you want?❞ he asked. ❝kiss.❞ Soobin simply uttered after closing his eyes. Yeonjun then pushed him making the younger laugh.

its not that he got disgusted or irritated. well, Yeonjun gonna admit it, he's not a gay but he's not that straight. maybe half half? like that. if maybe they aren't inside each other's body and he's seeing Soobin in his real appearance, maybe he would really kiss him. it's weird to kiss your own figure right?

wait, why is he even thinking about it.

realizing the older is still silent, Soobin smirked then lean his head again to him. ❝you really want to kiss me, right?❞ he then pouted his lips making Yeonjun came back to his senses seeing the younger only inches away from him.

Yeonjun groaned then pushed the lad again. ❝quit teasing me. i need to go.❞ he quickly grab the bag behind Soobin's back and move away.

wait.❞ Soobin suddenly said making the older stop his tracks to the door. ❝what about my things, i mean yours, i mean-❞ he rolled his eyes, ❝you know what i mean

Yeonjun let out a giggle, ❝you can get in my house.❞ he uttered then went out of the house, not even realizing what he just said.

while walking down the streets, the words that he said finally made sense to him which made him stop walking. he quickly turned around but he's already far away from the younger's house as he is in a rush and he thought, maybe the lad has already went to his house.

letting out a sigh, he just hope that his father is sleeping already by now.

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