『 fifteen 』

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and just like a blink of an eye, 4 hours had already past. ❝goodbye class.❞ their teacher said then walked out of the room. the students started to stretch their hands up before standing up and planning to go outside.

Soobin quickly fixed his things and put it inside his bag. he quickly stood up then walk towards the door, but before he can step his feet outside, the girl approached him.

you're so lucky sir Dohyun didn't scolded you and got you detentioned.❞ she uttered then let out a sigh, showing that she was relieved what happened earlier during their math class. ❝you know how strict he is.

Soobin nodded as his response. it's not odd for him. well, is there any math teacher who's not strict? he actually expected that he'll got detentioned but luckily he didn't but he wonder why. earlier, their professor just let out a sigh at him then let him sit down before calling for another student.

the girl then noticed Soobin being silent while walking on the corridors. ❝why you don't know the answer anyways? you're the one who's great in math among all of us.❞ she spoke, bringing the vibe up.

Soobin then looked at the girl, didn't noticed that she was walking beside him. okay, correction, Yeonjun is the one who's great in math, not him. if only he can tell it to her.

the lad shrug as his response making the girl even got more confused. Yeonjun will spoke about it, and actually, he'll be the one who'll gonna bring the vibe up. maybe there's something problem, she thought.

by the way, Yeonjun-

sorry, i need to go. bye.❞ Soobin quickly cut off her sentence then walked faster. he don't want to talk to anyone mostly to strangers. it kinda irritates him that's why he always keep quiet.

the girl just looked at the male walking faster. her eyes got wider by Soobin's sudden action. the Yeonjun she know definitely won't walk away like that. shrugging, maybe he's not in a good mood.

Yeonjun stretched his arms up and his back before fixing his things. his 4 hours in 3rd year just went smoothly, unlike back before last year. well, he still remember some of the lectures. he's lucky that Soobin got the course the same what Yeonjun got so there's no problem.

after fixing his things, he stood up then grab his bag before walking out of the room. the time he stepped his feet outside, someone suddenly shouted his name, or maybe Soobin's, making him turn back. ❝Soobin hyunggg!

seeing the same latter that he saw earlier at the café who's walking towards him, he quickly turned back then walk faster. luckily, it's a bit crowded since all students had now finished their classes and taking their lunch break.

Huening Kai's smile faded as he saw the older walking away from him. he's still clueless why Yeonjun don't want to talk to him and kept running away. he thinks that maybe he did something that made him furious that's why he's ignoring him all the time.

but, what is it? he wondered. shrugging his thoughts, he'll still gonna talk to the lad. well, he know he'll gonna go to the canteen and so does Huening Kai so there's a chance that he'll see him there.

as Yeonjun step his feet inside the canteen, he quickly scan around to see his own figure. ❝hey.❞ hearing a familiar voice, he quickly looked to his right side where the voice came from.

You looked like you ran from someone or someone.❞ Yeonjun uttered, noticing that Soobin is breathing heavily, more like panting. ❝i saw the caramel haired boy

you mean Beomgyu?❞ Yeonjun giggled. it's his first time to hear from someone calling Beomgyu as caramel-haired boy. well, a fact though, the color of his hair were like caramel.

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