『 thirty 』

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Yeonjun shift his body on the right side of the bed. he suddenly groan as he felt his head aching which made him woke up. he let out a yawn while stratching his arms up before standing and walk towards the bathroom. he rubbed his eyes to make his vision clearer then washed his face with water. after that, he went out of the bathroom then sat on his bed.

he took out his phone in his pocket to check the time. his eyes quickly widened as it's already past six in the morning. ❝i still have work to do!❞ he mumbled to himself while cursing inside his mind. he quickly took his towel then ran inside the bathroom to take a quick shower.

his head is still aching and he don't know why but he don't have time to think about it. it will fade away soon anyways.

as he went out of the bathroom, he immediately took his working clothes from his wardrobe and put then on the bed. he noticed that he have a pair of uniform missing but he thought maybe it's in the laundry already.

he wear his clothes and fixed himself before walking out of his room. he quickly went down stairs and noticed a lot of alcohol bottles scattered around the living and saw a man lying down on the couch looking like a dead person. the smell of the room started suffocating him which made him silently ran towards the door. he slowly opened and closed it as he make sure that there's no creek sound will be heard.

he walk faster towards the café where he works. he actually want to take a bus but it will just be a waste of money for him since the café is not miles away from his house and he need to save though.

sorry, i'm late.❞ Yeonjun said as he went inside the café then walk towards the counter.

Jungkook, who is at the counter, suddenly got cofused seeing the younger's presence. ❝i thought you're having your week off?❞ he asked while clicking some things on the monitor before glancing at the younger.

Yeonjun furrowed his brows and tilted his head before speaking, ❝week off?❞ Jungkook hummed as a response before taking the customer's order who just came inside the café.

Yeonjun took out his phone from his pocket to check any messages from their manager if he texted him about his week off but he saw none. only a call from him two days ago. he suddenly got confused by it. he don't remember anything from the past two days.

he felt his head aching again which made him groan. he rubbed his temple then sat on a chair near at the counter.

Jungkook noticed him so right after giving the frappe that the customer ordered, he gave the younger a glass of water. ❝you should take some rest.❞ he worriedly uttered. Yeonjun slightly nodded his head while drinking the water before he slowly stood up. he said thank you and goodbye to the older before walking out of the café.

he don't know why he can't remember anything from the past two days, or maybe four days. he thinks that something happened between the days but he have no idea what it is. he then shrugged his thoughts off as he felt his head hurting more if he will think about it. he took out his phone then texted someone while walking on the street walk.

Soobin shut his eyes tight before slowly opening it. the sunlight from his window woke him up and also he can feel his head aching. he can also feel his body heavy as he can't lift his body up, or maybe its just because he is lazy to stand up.

but anyhows, he still stand up from his bed and walk inside the bathroom. he washed his face with water then went outside again. he was about to lay down on his bed again but he noticed the time as his eyes drifted on the wall clock near the door.

oh shit, i still have class!

he grabbed his towel then ran towards the bathroom to take a shower. after five minutes, he quickly fixed himself then wore his school uniform. he took his bag located near at the door and noticed that there's another bag beside his. he want to check it because he don't remember who own it and how did it get here but he's running late from school.

he went outside his house, not forgetting to lock the door before walking faster as he could. his head is starting to hurt again for thinking about the bag which made him shut his eyes a couple of seconds and let out a groan.

his eyes quickly opened when he suddenly bumped into someone. ❝sorry!❞ he uttered then immediately picked up the person's phone that was dropped. he gave it to him before apologizing again then walked away.

Yeonjun groaned then quickly took a look at his phone. luckily it wasn't damaged nor the screen didn't cracked. he let out a sigh then glance at the lad who accidentally bumped him. ❝that's rude.❞ he mumbled to himself, thinking that the guy just walked away after apologizing. he then shrugged then continue texting Beomgyu and started walking again.

Soobin is already near at the school when he saw Huening Kai jogging around the park. he got confused why the younger isn't wearing his uniform and just having his exercise when the classes is about to start in a couple of minutes. he then approached him.

Huening Kai stopped running when he saw the older's appearance. he suddenly got confused why he is wearing his uniform. Soobin was about to ask him but he quickly spoke first, ❝you'll go to school hyung?

Soobin nodded then glanced at his uniform before drifting his eyes back on the younger. ❝it's Tuesday today, isn't it?❞ he was going to asked why Huening Kai won't attend his classes but he got more confused by the day today. he still don't have his phone back so he don't know what day is today.

today is Saturday.❞ Huening Kai simply uttered which made Soobin's eyes widened. the younger furrowed his brows by his reaction. ❝why?

the older shook his head then said goodbye to him before walking away making Huening Kai even more confused. he just shrugged it off then continue jogging.

Soobin walk back to his house. he went straight to his room then dropped his body on his bed. he started to think about the things happened four days ago but its just giving him a headache. why he can't remember anything?

he then remembered the bag placed near the door as he wonder who owns it. he stood up and grabbed the bag before looking the things inside. there notebooks and three books in it and a pencil case that is full of different colors of pens.

choi Yeonjun.❞ he muttered as he read the name pasted outside the notebooks. he also saw an i.d inside it so he take a look at it. he furrowed his brows as he saw the picture on it.

he is somewhat look familiar to him.

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