『 twenty-six 』

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to those who are confused, i accidentally published this chapter without finishing it so i unpublished it immediately. sorry about my clumsiness!

after eating their dinner, Soobin washed the dishes while Yeonjun decided to watch a movie.

hyung,❞ Soobin called out as he went outside the kitchen. the older just hummed as response while munching the chips inside his mouth and his eyes are on the television.

the younger took a gaze on what he is watching then look back at him. ❝you're watching Titanic?❞ he asked then giggled.

Yeonjun hummed then let out a hushing sound as he don't want to miss out any scenes from the movie.

Soobin walked towards him then sit down beside him before eating some chips. he joined him watching the movie since there is nothing to do. he still don't have his phone and both of them don't have any homeworks. their finals are near but they can study after their problem be solved.

a tear suddenly escaped from Soobin's eyes as he became emotional by the scene of the movie where the leading man drowned in the ocean. he sniffle then wipe his tear on his cheeks before continuing munching the chips inside his mouth. he cleared his throat then looked at the older to see if he saw him shed a tear but Yeonjun's eyes were already closed.

Soobin lightly shake his arm to wake him up. ❝hyung,❞ he uttered.

Yeonjun hummed but his eyes are still close. he slightly shift his body then moved his head on his side. Soobin lightly shake his arm again only received by a soft snore from the older.

he let out a sigh. he put the chips on the coffee table in front of them before turning off the television. he stood up and went to the kitchen and on his room to turn off the lights then sat back beside Yeonjun who is sleeping peacefully in his uncomfortable position.

he look at the older before he shake his arm again. ❝hyung,❞ he tapped his shoulder countless times making the older wake up.

Yeonjun let out a hummed then partly opened his eyes. ❝you should go on the bed so you can sleep comfortable.❞ Soobin uttered then stood up but sat down again when the older suddenly pulled him.

it's more comfortable here.❞ Yeonjun said. he hugged the younger's arms then put his head on his shoulder then he let out a yawn. before he could drift into his dreamland again, Soobin removed his shoulder from his hug which made the older groan.

the younger moved at the edge of the couch. Yeonjun just looked at him with disappointment. seeing him pouting his lips made Soobin chuckle. he tap his lap then smiled at him. ❝you can now sleep again.

Yeonjun raised his brow as he didn't get what the younger meant. he was about to sleep again while sitting but Soobin pulled his arm, making him lay down on the couch. the older move his body to reach his head on Soobin's lap then swift his feet above the couch.

the younger played at his hair before leaning his head to Yeonjun and peck his lips. ❝let's sleep.❞ he uttered. the older nodded then mumbled a goodnight before closing his eyes.

he actually thought that he cannot fall asleep easily as he can feel his heart beating crazy like it will explode sooner. every touch of Soobin on his hair make his heart skipped and he can't manage to calm down. luckily, the younger stopped playing with his hair after a minute passed by which made him thought that maybe Soobin already fell asleep.

he firstly took a peek to see if Soobin is already sleeping. his lips curved into a smile as he saw the younger lad sleeping peacefully with his lips pouted. he is concerned that Soobin's sleeping position might be uncomfortable but he quickly drifted into his dreamland so maybe it's fine with him.

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