『 twenty-four 』

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Eunji, there you are.❞ the three suddenly caught their attention by a man who's walking towards to them. Yeonjun and Soobin can say that he's around 40's but still look young.

the girl grinned and ran towards to the man. ❝appa!❞ she joyfully uttered before the man lift her up. ❝you should not go somewhere. i thought i lost you.❞ the man was scared that he didn't saw his daughter beside their car. luckily, she is near the bank so he easily saw her.

Eunji muttered sorry to her dad and pouted before licking her ice cream. her dad let out a sigh then glance at his daughter's ice cream that she is holding ❝who gave you that?❞ he asked. the girl stopped licking her ice cream then pointed at the two lads.

Both Soobin and Yeonjun quickly lightly bow their heads as the man shifted his gaze on them. ❝he is ice cream oppa,❞ Eunji pointed at Soobin who's in Yeonjun's appearance, ❝and he is lollipop oppa.❞ she introduced while pointing at Yeonjun who is in Soobin's appearance.

her dad furrowed his brows, being confused why his daughter call them like that. the two lads awkwardly smiled then introduced themselves. Soobin was actually gonna introduced himself by his own name but he remembered that he is not in his own appearance so he introduced as Yeonjun. same goes to Yeonjun, he introduced himself as Soobin.

didn't i told you not to talk to strangers?❞ Eunji's dad suddenly spoke to his daughter after knowing the names of the lads. the girl pouted as her dad sounded like mad. ❝they are not strangers. i met them before..

the man let out a sigh then looked at the lads who are just watching them. he curved his lips into a small smile then lightly bow his head. ❝thank you for looking at my daughter and for giving her ice cream.

you're welcome, sir.❞ Yeonjun uttered then planted a smile on his face. ❝you can call me Mr. Lee.❞ the man said.

Soobin opened his mouth but before he can say a word, Eunji's dad spoke again which made him shut. ❝we will go now.❞ the two young lads nodded.

before the man step his feet, Eunji suddenly spoke, ❝appa, can we bring them to grandma?

he looked at his daughter with confusion written on his face. ❝why?❞ he asked then drifted his gaze to Yeonjun and Soobin who are also confused to the girl.

she shrug then whispered something on her dad's ear which made the both young boys got more confused. they looked at each other then shrugged at the same time before giving back their attention to Eunji and her dad.

but your grandma is in Busan..❞ the man uttered then took glances at the two before looking at his daughte again. Eunji formed her mouth in 'o' as she remembered that her grandma went to Busan yesterday for some reasons and she's still not coming back.

she then pouted before whispering to her dad again.

seeing the man nodded made Yeonjun confused while Soobin is trying to think some possible reasons why the girl want to bring them to her grandmother.

the man pull his phone outside his pocket then typed something before giving to Yeonjun. ❝can you save your contact here? just in case.❞ the man uttered.

Yeonjun furrowed his brows and hesitating to type his phone number but he still typed it anyways. nothing will gonna lose though if he give his contact to Eunji's dad.

after saving his contact, he returned the phone back to the man. ❝we'll get going now.

bye bye oppa's!❞ Eunji giggled then wave her hand at the two, making them also wave their hand to bid their goodbyes while a smile was drew on their faces.

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