『 twenty-three 』

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seriously in front of the kids aiㅡ ㅠㅠ

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seriously in front of the kids aiㅡ ㅠㅠ


Yeonjun quickly went out of the room as soon as their professor walk out after saying goodbye to the class and hearing the bell rang. as he step his feet outside the door, his eyes were drifted to his own figure that's standing beside the door and leaning his back against the wall.

feeling the older's presence, Soobin turn his head on the lad who's standing next to him and looking directly at him. as their eyes met, Yeonjun's heart started to beat faster. all of a sudden, he remember what happened between them earlier which made his cheeks heat up.

hyung,❞ Soobin was about to approach the older but he immediately walk away, not turning his back to the younger. he don't know why he keeps on ignoring him, maybe because it's his first time to feel like this, being nervous and flustered.

he can't confront Soobin right now and he don't know why.

while walking towards Beomgyu's room, he can see least of students walking out of the room which made him think that the younger already went out but he hopes he's still there. he need someone who can accompany him and he don't want to be with Soobin for now.

Yeonjun quickly approach the familiar guy who just came out of the room ❝Huening Kai!❞ he called out his name, making the latter's attention turn to him. Huening Kai hummed as his response and removed his earphone from his ears.

is Beomgyu still there?❞ Yeonjun asked then took a peek inside the window. Huening Kai shook his head as a no which made the older's reaction became a little bit gloomy. ❝Taehyun dragged him earlier right after the bell rang.

Yeonjun raised his brow. ❝why, though?❞ he somehow felt like Beomgyu is betraying him as he still don't introduce that Taehyun to him and this Huening Kai already knew him. who knows, maybe they're now in a relationship or currently dating and Yeonjun don't know anything about it.

Huening Kai shrugged, ❝maybe they are dating.❞ he uttered then let out a chuckle as he remember Beomgyu's expression when Taehyun approached him. he quickly grab Beomgyu's wrist and his bag before dragging him outside. the caramel-haired boy was just smiling while being dragged.

Huening Kai diverted his eyes to Soobin as he notice he is standing not far away from Yeonjun. Soobin curve his lips into a small smile and lightly wave his hand, signaling Huening Kai to go away. luckily, the younger quickly understand so he return his eyes on Yeonjun and bid his goodbye before putting his earphones again.

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