『 twenty-five 』

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Eunji's dad give his phone to his daughter after dialing her grandmother. after ringing a couple of seconds, her grandmother answered.


grandma!❞ Eunji cheerfully said while a grin planted on her face. she automatically stood up from the back seat of the car which made her dad look at her through the rearview mirror. ❝Eunji, sit down.

the little girl let out a giggle then make a peace sign before sitting down. they are actually on their way home and Eunji told her dad earlier that they should call her grandmother.

"hi sweetie, why did you call?"

granma, daddy and i already found them!❞ she uttered, making her grandma from the other line gasp. ❝but you're not here so they didn't come with us.❞ she pouted then look at her dad who's attention is on the road.

"oh.. did your daddy request for their contacts?"

yes, daddy gave his phone earlier and lollipop oppa typed his contact, i guess?❞ she raised her brow and gave her dad a lowkey confused look. he shifted his eyes again on the rearview mirror before slightly nodding his head and return his gaze on the road.

even though the two already told their names earlier, Eunji still call them by the nicknames she gave since she didn't remembered it quickly. she was actually confused earlier if they told their real names or opposite names.

her grandmother hum before speaking, "that's great! i'll be back by tomorrow."

the girl curve her lips into a smile then nodded her head, ❝take care, grandma!❞ she said before her grandmother ended the call. she give back her dad's phone while stomping her feet with joy.

grandma said she'll be back tomorrow.❞ her dad just hummed in response then curve his lips into a small smile while getting his phone from his daughter, still focusing on the road.

he actually don't know what happened, his daughter just told him that her grandma needs to see them because of some magical problems. maybe, a spell was casted to both of the lads but he don't know what. he just know that his wife's mother, which is Eunji's grandma, is a good witch.

Soobin quickly put back the bracelet above the closet as he heard a knock from the door. he took out a grey sweatshirt and a loose pants before taking off his uniform.

dinner is ready!❞ Yeonjun uttered while knocking the door. ❝just a minute.❞ the older hummed in response and waited outside Soobin's room.

he don't know why can't the younger just open the door and let him in. besides, it's his body though and they can just change their clothes at the same time in the same room. as if it he is not inside Soobin's beautiful body.

Yeonjun lightly slapped his face as he realize what he is thinking right now. he have no idea why he thought of that and it actually sounds like a pervert.

Soobin immediately took off his socks after putting his sweatshirt. the pants was actually bigger than him since his own body is taller than Yeonjun's but this will be okay though. he put his uniform inside the laundry basket before opening the door for the older.

his brows furrowed seeing Yeonjun looking down, or more like looking at his body.

the older quickly shifted his eyes on Soobin as he notice he was already standing in front of him. he scan him from head to toe which made a zoo inside his stomach go wild.

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