『 thirty-nine 』

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little Yeonjun walks on the shore since he is not allowed inside the room where his parents are having a meeting with the other professionals. he should have stayed home but since his mother need to be in the meeting also, and no one will look after her son, she just tag him along. but unfortunately, kids are not allowed inside the office.

why it has to be here in the beach?❞ he murmured to himself while lightly kicking the sand. his attention suddenly got caught by another boy who is playing with the sand while humming a song, which probably a kids song.

Yeonjun walks towards him. ❝hi!❞ he uttered making the kid startled.

the kid glanced at him then quickly looked at somewhere as he is not used at talking to some unknown kids. ❝h-hi.❞ he stuttered then continued playing with the sand.

Yeonjun giggled by the kid's cuteness. he find it adorable when he speak to a ramdom kid then they will get shy to him. ❝is your parents also having a meeting inside there?❞ he asked and pointed the small room not far away from them, which made the kid diverted his eyes to where Yeonjun is pointing before humming and nodded his head.

my dad is.❞ the kid muttered but a little loud enough for Yeonjun to hear it.

Yeonjun hummed then played along with the kid. ❝my parents also but they told me i'm not allowed to go inside.❞ he pouted, making the kid glance at him then continue playing again. ❝my dad told me kids aren't allowed.

why though?❞ Yeonjun titled his head. the kid shrugged and didn't speak.

minutes of silence, the little Yeonjun tried to think about what he should tell. suddenly, a question came inside his mind. ❝what's your favorite food? mine is ramen!❞ he excitedly said then sweetly smiled, making the kid got even more shy.

bread.❞ he spoke which made Yeonjun nodded. he was about to speak again but his mother suddenly called his name and caught their both attention. i need to go now.❞ Yeonjun stood up and was about to run but the kid quickly hold his shirt making him stop.

the kid glimpse at Yeonjun's confused look then look down. ❝i still don't know you.❞ he uttered, making Yeonjun chuckle. ❝me either.

so this is goodbye?❞ the little kid asked. Yeonjun was about to say yes but he don't want the kid to be sad. his eyes drifted to his bracelet which made him an idea. he immediately removed it as he heard his mother called his name again, and gave it to the kid. ❝we will see each other soon!

Yeonjun's lips curved into a smile seeing the kid smile also. ❝my name is choi Yeonjun!❞ he spoke before running away.

my name is..❞ the kid stopped speaking as he realized Yeonjun won't hear him. ❝..Soobin.❞ he mumbled then drifted his eyes on the bracelet that he is holding.

Soobin's eyes widened seeing Yeonjun in front of him while holding the bracelet that the older gave a decade ago. ❝what's your name again?❞ Yeonjun furrowed his brows then awkwardly smile.

Soobin.❞ the younger lad muttered and looked away as he felt his heart beating faster as if it wants to win a marathon. Yeonjun's heart is also beating faster than it's normal pace but he need to stay calm.

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