『 seventeen 』

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sorry for the late updates!


a day in school just ended like how it used to, for some students. unfortunately for the two lads, they're still uncomfortable about their roles to maintain each one's character mostly to Soobin. he still cannot socialize to the people Yeonjun mostly interact with, including Yeji, who is his seatmate because they don't know her or them. plus, he get irritated that fast when people kept on talking to him.

if only Soobin can act cold, then he'll definitely do that without thinking twice.

as for the older lad, things went smoothly as expected. Yeonjun just need to act cold, don't need to talk to anybody and be silent. even it is hard for his hype side, he needs to maintain Soobin's characters.

Yeonjun's day one being in third year college again is also easy since he already knew the lectures. unlike Soobin who is getting advanced in the fourth year, things got difficult for him.

Soobin quickly dash off the room as soon as he put his things inside his bag. he also noticed that Yeji was getting suspicious and curious about him since he's so quiet earlier. well, he can't just act like Yeonjun and seriously, being advance in fourth year without knowing anything is kinda hard- no, so difficult for Soobin.

Yeji was about to throw some questions to the lad if something bad happen to him but then seeing him walking out of the room as fast as he can, she thought that maybe he just need some time alone and don't want to open up his problem which just made her let out a sigh. she can ask him tomorrow anyways.

as Soobin saw his own figures walking on the corridor, he quickly walk towards him. ❝Yeonjun!❞ hearing his name made Yeonjun eyes got wider and mentally facepalmed.

some students suddenly looked at Soobin in confusion and Yeonjun noticed that. ❝why did you called out my name?❞ Yeonjun whispered then glared at the younger lad before roaming his eyes around. some of the students around them knew Yeonjun that's why they suddenly got curious hearing his name.

Soobin furrowed his brows ❝why?❞ still didn't know what he just say something wrong.

it's weird to say out loud your name.❞ the older lad whispered again, making sure nobody, except for Soobin, can hear him.

processing what Yeonjun meant, he quickly let out a awkward chuckle then slightly slap the older's arm making Yeonjun looked at the younger lad in confusion. ❝Y-Yeonjun is my name, what about yours?

Yeonjun raised his brow before rolling his eyes. he drift his gaze on the students who are still looking at them. ❝let's just go. i still have work to do.❞ he uttered then grabbed the younger's wrist, trying to disappear from the people's eyes. he hope they will just forget what awkwardly happen.

as soon as the two were now at the school gate, Yeonjun let go of Soobin then let out a deep breathe. ❝don't ever call out my name again.❞ he uttered then started to walk. the younger lad nodded then followed behind him.

Soobin hyung!❞ the two lads diverted their eyes to the familiar latter who's walking towards them. ❝still in switched bodies?❞ Huening Kai asked, making the two elders nod their heads.

where will you two go?❞ he asked again while shoving his hands inside his pocket. ❝in the café. i still have work to do.❞ Yeonjun uttered, didn't bothered to look to the two younger lads who are following behind him.

Huening Kai hummed then looked at Soobin who is walking silently beside him. ❝is it okay with you hyung? i mean, your body is weak and timid though.

Soobin just shrugged, being tired enough to say a word. he has nothing to do about it though. seeing Yeonjun's dad state earlier is quite enough for him to understand why the older need to work. however, he don't feel pity for him, he just feel a little bit of inspired.

as they arrived at the cafeteria where Yeonjun works, the two quickly find some spot where to sit while the older will gonna work.

aren't you gonna work?❞ Byungchul, the manager of the café, asked after seeing the young lad Soobin who is in Yeonjun's appearance, taking a sit.

Soobin quickly shake his head as a no then looked at Yeonjun who's standing beside them, saying "help me about this" through his eyes. luckily, the older quickly understood that as he slightly nodded his head.

i'll gonna replace him for today also. he still don't feel well.❞ Yeonjun uttered while fidgeting his hands, hoping Byungchul will agree. ❝you sure you can? his work for today is being a waiter.❞ the manager said, making Yeonjun nod his head as a yes and curve his lips into a reassuring smile.

Byungchul hummed, ❝okay.❞ he simply uttered then walked away. Yeonjun let out a sigh as soon as his manager disappeared from his sight. he then looked at the two younger lads before leaving them, walking towards the locker room to change his clothes.

Huening Kai and Soobin followed their eyes on the older guy then looked at each other after Yeonjun disappeared from their sights. ❝hyung, are you sure about this?❞ Huening Kai asked while tapping his fingers on the table.

Soobin furrowed his brows, giving a curious expression to the young latter. ❝i mean, what if someone saw him then tell to your parents that you're working? he's in your appearance though.❞ Huening Kai knew how Soobin's parents are strict since Soobin talk about them a lot and he also knew that they will be mad if they find out that their son is working in a cafeteria, even though it is Yeonjun.

Soobin shrugged then put his chin on his hand and looked outside the window. ❝they don't care about it.❞ his parents will scold him if ever they find out but after that, they will just let it pass. it's not a big deal though. besides, it's also boring to just sit down inside the house alone, without his phone, and do nothing.

here.❞ Yeonjun put down the two cups of Americano coffee on their table, making the two lads suddenly startled. ❝enjoyy~❞ he then smiled at them before starting doing his job.

Huening Kai stared at the cups before getting one of it. ❝we didn't order anything, did we?❞ he ask in curiousity then took a sip of the coffee.

Soobin shook his head a no. he's also curious why the older just gave them coffees even though they didn't suggest anything. but nevertheless, it's already in front of him, so he'll just accept it.

Huening Kai took a sip again of the coffee before speaking, ❝i remembered something.

the older lad raised his brows and looked at Huening Kai while taking a sip of his coffee.

Yeonjun hyung was the one who you always talk about before, right?

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