Chapter 15: Close call (part two)

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"Wake up, hey, hey, wake up,"

I peel my eyes open and groaned. "What?" I croaked, heat rushed in my cheeks and I cleared my throat. "Do you need anything sir?" I asked and his shoulders shifted. He let go of my shoulders and pulled me up so that I could seat straight.

The blanket slipped from my shoulders and fell on my lap, exposing what I was wearing. I couldn't see Sean's face because it was hidden in the shadows as always but the way his shoulders tensed and the way his head moved, I was certain that his eyes were zeroed on my chest.

I cleared my throat and pulled the blanket close to my chest. His body moved away from me so that he towered over me. "Sorry," his voice seen shy and I felt myself flush at the though of him looking at me.

"Do you need anything Sir?"

"You're the one who seems to be needing the help and you can call me Sean," he said and I nodded meekly. "What happened?" I asked and run a hand on my throat. He tilted his head and I cleared my throat, "You were screaming bloody murder, I thought somebody broke in," he replied and I cleared my throat again.

"Oh, that's why my mouth feel parched, I badly need some water," my voice cracked and I hung my head in shame. Sean walked away and disappeared then reappeared with a glass of water.

He handed me the water which I took away from him gratefully and chug it down. "Thanks," Sean tilted his sideways and I caught a glimpse of his ash brown hair. Just like Everett's. My mind brought me back to my dream and tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

Sean must have noticed because he sat on the bed and placed a hand on my ankle, "You can tell me you know. Its just me," he reassured and I shook my head, "Its nothing really, just a nightmare," I diverted the topic, it was a sensitive one.

"You won't tell Jodie what happened right?" I ask, its bad news if Jodie knows, she'd create a fuss about the whole thing. She'd set up some ground rules and I'll have the rest of the week under her watch.

Sean shook his head and I breathe out a sigh of relief. "That's great, thanks Sean," I smiled. I heard his breathing hitch and his hand trembled. I ignored this and lied back down. "Since you're fine, you should better catch some more rest, we have a long day tomorrow," Sean pat my foot and stood up, "Good night Temper,"

This time, I was the one who shuddered. I made a noise of approval and turn my back on him.

For the rest of the night, I remain awake and by the time the sky had slowly turned blue, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


The next day when I woke up, Sean was no longer on his bed. A note was leaning on the lamp on the nightstand beside my bed.

I hope you slept well. Good morning.
- Sean

This brought a smile to my face. It was unusual for someone as reserved as Sean to leave a letter. I took the letter and tuck it inside the satchel I placed on the ground. I slid out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I took a quick warm bath before heading back inside the room. My pick was still a sundress but this time, it was plain blue, skyblue. I ended up wearing the same flip-flops I wore yesterday and had my hair down.

I grab the key on the night stand and tuck it inside my tote bag. I headed out a of the room and just the timing, Jodie did too. Her face brightened when she saw me and she skipped towards me like a kid, something must have happened last night. "Morning Jodie, you're glowing," I commented and she turn red.

"Shut up. Hey, you brought your swimsuit right?"

I made a face and she rolled her eyes, "Come on Temper, we're going to take a dip in the resort's infinity pool," Jodie squealed and I shook my head, "I'll pass, I'm good staying at the side," I declined but Jodie dragged be back inside my room.

She rummaged through my things and pulled out a black two piece swimwear. I grimaced and she ignored it. She threw it at me, "Go wear it," she ushered me inside the bathroom and I forced myself to wear the dreadful thing.

I walk out of the bathroom and was dragged again by Jodie. We went down to the lobby and I saw all of the ones we were with, waiting there in the couches, hanging around. My heart dropped when I spot no sign of Everett. I shook my head slightly and mentally scolded myself for thinking so.

"Hey Temper," I turn to look and I saw Justin walking towards me. I smiled at him and waved, "Hey," I replied. His face fell a little but he smiled nonetheless. "So you're going to swim today?" He ask awkwardly, probably trying to strike up a conversation.

To be honest, its getting more and more awkward around him. I barely talk to him anymore, fearing I might say something that'll hurt him. "Nah, I'm probably going to stay on the side and try to be tan," and that's it. Our conversation ended their.

I followed Jodie as she lead us to the infinity pool. The pool took my breath away, it was beautiful. Pete took his shirt off and dived in without warning, splashing us with water. I gasp as the water soaked my sundress.

Jodie gave Pete a thumbs up and turn towards me, "Well, why don't you look at that, the gods must be telling you to join us," Jodie giggled and I glared at Pete who shrug his shoulders and swam towards Penelope.

"Fine," I muttered and Jodie clap her hands together. "Great, come on guys, let's swim!" She screamed and jump in the pool without taking her dress off. Everest started shouting at her about proper things to do when in pool which she ignored and strip right there and then in the pool, revealing a sexy red one piece that was open in the back.

The rest did the same and took a dip. I smiled. A certain footsteps were heard coming from behind me and when I turn to look, I saw just right on time, Sean turning his shirtless back on us and marching away with his head hung low.

I felt my heart skip a beat, that's one sexy back. I felt disappointed at the thought of him so I took my dress off and dived in the water.

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