{Chapter 1}

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~Simran's POV~

"Please Babuji, let me go!" Simran said while tears flooding down her face.
She kept changing glances between Raj and her father in hope he would let go of her, so she could run to her Raj and hold him close and just be with him.
But her father didn't. He held her even tighter till the train left the station and was no where to be seen. That was the last time she had seen Raj. If she would've known, she would've even hugged him tighter last night. Told him he loved her. See him smile one more time, but it was too late. He was already far gone. Simran let her body fall onto the ground as more tears ran down her face. With the train leaving the station a part of Simran left her as well. She felt lost and alone. She didn't want to understand why her father didn't let her go. Why did no one care for their love, she was wondering why some people were so selfish, that they could ruin other people's life. She couldn't marry another man, her heart belonged to her Raj and only to him!
As it started to rain, everyone decided to head back to the residence.
Simran was the only one who remained. She didn't want to join the rest. Today they turned out not to be her family, but her enemies. People she loved deeply hurt her badly today. A pain she will never get rid off. A face she will never see again. Simran always loved the rain, but today, the rain rather calmed her. It was as if her pain fell with the rain. It didn't bother her at all, that she was soaking wet, all she could care about was her Raj.
Deeply lost in thoughts she sat there until a familiar voice approached her.
"Simran, look at you, you are all wet, come my child, let's go, you'll get sick." Her mother said. Simran looked at her without saying a word. Her tears said more, than words could have.
Simran was no longer the Simran everyone knew and loved. She was deeply hurt, alone, in pain, because her other half was taken away from her.
With that train leaving, she had lost everything that once brought her to life.

As they arrived Simran headed straight for her room, all she wanted was for this day to end and end her misery with it. She wished this all would reveal it self as a nightmare, a big joke, a huge mistake. But no, it seemed like this was her reality now. She laid down on her bed and just gave up on life, she couldn't take it anymore. Just laying there, staring at the ceiling helped her sort her thoughts. A moment later a small knock on the door appeared. "One moment please!" Simran said in a hurry, while she jumped out of bed to make herself look a little bit more presentable.
"Come in." She said. Her father walked in and closed the door behind himself.
"Simran, I want to talk with you." He said. She wasn't very happy about seeing him, but after all he was her father. She was sure he had his reasons for not wanting her to go. So she had to accept and respect it. Her father started talking and explaining to her that she would have to marry Kuljeet tomorrow, not for him, but her grandmother's sake. She didn't believe it was her father standing right in front of her. How could a father be so ignorant about his daughters feelings. She wanted to scream and shout and just get away from there. Simran was never the typ to get mad at someone, but today for the first time, she felt mad.
She didn't want to start an arguement with her father either, so she stayed silent and listened. She kept her feelings for herself, because only she truly cared about them.
Her father left and not shortly after her mother came to her. "Simran, I'm sorry for everything my child, I know Raj was a good man, before you ask, no I don't approve of this decision, but it was made, I can't do anything against it. And no I won't force you to marry Kuljeet, but as your mother I just want to ask you for a favour, at least think about it, for your grandmother, not for us." She said quietly with tears in her eyes. Simran wiped away her mother's tears and hugged her tightly. Simran knew it wasn't her mother's fault, it was destiny who made her feel this misery..

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