{Chapter 13}

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~Simran's POV~

Although he was the last person she wanted to see, Simran still thought he had the right to know. She rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open. There he was, the most hated man in her life, yet she stood there to break the news to him. "May I come in?" Simran asked politely. "O-of course!" Kuljeet replied quite shocked. She assumed he wouldn't have expected seeing her again. Well little did he know what a bombshell she would drop on him. Simran slowly walked over to the couch and sat down. Their house hadn't change at all, just a weird atmosphere was lingering through the rooms. "I think you want to sit down for this one.." Simran said. Kuljeet sat down in front of her and listened to her. "Pregnant what do you mean pregnant?" Kuljeet said in total shock and disbelief. "Yes pregnant, you know how one gets pregnant!" She said and rolled her eyes. "Bloody idiot" she thought to herself. "Okay.. wow.. what are we going to do, I mean given the circumstances..?" He said scratching his head. "I'm not sure, you can be as involved as you want to.." Simran awkwardly said. "Look Simran, I'm really sorry for everything that had come between us, but I think we should set all our differences aside and move in back together, not for me, but for our child!" Kuljeet said. Definitely was not one of his worst ideas Simran thought. She thought for a while before giving him an answer. "I don't know Kuljeet, I can't do that, not after what you've done to me." She said. Simran was still quite hurt about the situation. Kuljeet slowly took her hands in his. "Simran, please at least for the first year." He said almost begging her. Well she would going to need help with the baby and she couldn't really bother Raj with a baby that was not his. "Damn!" She thought. Her mind drifted over to Raj. What would he going to do or how would he react. Sure nothing had happened between them after she had left Kuljeet, but both knew they deeply loved one another. Finally she had given in and accepted his offer. "Fine  but only for the baby!" She said still quite unsure about her decision. "Great, should I help you with your stuff?" He said. "No, I can manage that by myself." Simran said quite cold. "I have to take care of something, I'll have to go now." Simran said and left. How did her life turn upside down so quickly. She remembers well, the time in her life where she was truly happy. It was in Switzerland where Raj and her had started to get to know each other better. He was quite annoying, but that didn't bother her after a while. She just loved the fact how alive he made her feel..

"Hey you are back, how did it go?" Raj curiously asked. "Well it depends, better than excepted, but maybe not so good." Simran nervously said. "Well now I'm confused señorita!" He said giggling. Simran took a deep breath before continuing. "Okay so.. Kuljeet offered me to move back with him for the baby.." she quietly said. "What and idiot, after all he had done, you said no right?" He said raising an eyebrow. "Well here's the twist, I-i did say yes, for the baby!" Simran said in her defense. "What?! Are you kidding me? After all he has done to you? You wanna go back?! Why!?" Raj said slowly highering his tone and visibly getting mad. "Look its for the baby okay?!" Simran said in total frustration. "You know Simran I'm so sick of you, you've done nothing but use me, you know I could've actually seen us happy together, but now I don't know anymore!" Raj yelled. Tears formed up in her eyes. "Raj.. please don't do that.." she said with a cracking voice. "Do what? Hurting you? Well how does it feel?! Do you know how much it hurts!??" He said turning his back to her. She started crying. His words cut through her heart like a shark knife. "My biggest mistake was ever loving you!" He said out of frustration. Simran had never felt such pain before. His last words were killing her. "Raj please.." she tried to form the perfect words, but failed miserably due to her heavy sobbing. "Just go and don't come back!" He said. She couldn't believe it. What had she done. Simran once again ruined her life. It was all too much for her to handle. Everything started to go blur. Her head was about to explode. She felt so awful, until she collapsed and everything went black..

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