{Chapter 15}

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~Raj's POV~

Everything found back in its place. Simran recovered from her loss and seemed to be a lot happier since the first day Raj bumped into her. He was happy to see her smile again. Her smile was the only thing that made him stay alive. Although there was still one thing bothering Raj. He wasn't sure in which state they were. Raj didn't want to move too fast and scare her off. They were in a boyfriend/girlfriend state you could say. No matter what he was still happy to be spending time with her again. It was unfair to him that life took away those year they could've spend together. Still Raj didn't complain.
"Good morning." A familiar voice said. "Good morning señorita." Raj said with a smile on his face. She hugged him tight and joined him to the table. He had prepared breakfast which they were now going to enjoy. "What's the plan for today?" Simran softly said. "I thought we would go out for a picknick after I finished some work in the company, how does that sound?" Raj said. "Fabulous, can't wait." Simran said with a smile. She was a silly woman, she had something very childish, yet adoring about her. Raj looked over to the clock and put down his coffee. "I have to go, else I'll be late." He said in a hurry. He grabbed his stuff, kissed her cheek and left for work.

A few hours later he finished off his work and headed back home. There he was greeted with a warm welcome. "Ready to go?" Raj asked. "Yes I prepared everything!" Simran proudly said. "Well thank you darling, that's very nice of you." Raj said while letting out a laugh. He took the basket and hooked in his arm with hers and left for the park. The park has become very dear to him overtime. Raj would always come here to relax after a stressful day. The park looked magnificent at this time of year. They walked a while until they found the perfect spot to sit down. "Can you help me with this?" Simran said a little struggling. Raj helped her and ten minutes later they sat down and enjoyed the view. "Would you like to eat something? I made sandwiches and cookies, oh also fruit!" She said. "Sure I'd like a sandwich." Raj said smiling. He took a sandwich and ate it. "Thanks, it's delicious." He said. "You're welcome." Simran said. They enjoyed each others company and just laid there talking for hours.

Raj thought it was a good idea to approach the talk about their situation again. "Señorita?" Raj asked. "Yes?" She mumbled while looking at him. "I think it's time to ask this." He quietly said. "What is it?" She asked curiously. "What are we?" He asked. "What do you mean?" She asked confused. "Well I mean, I think enough time has passed and now it would be appropriate to ask you, if you want to be my girlfriend." Raj asked. Simran smiled possibly the biggest smile and hugged him tight. "Of course I want to.. I mean I'd love to!" She said. Raj was relieved. This day turned out way better than expected. A day he will never forget. Finally they beat destiny.. one might think.

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