{Chapter 4}

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~Simran's POV~

Few months had passed since the wedding. Simran had gotten used to her new life pretty quickly. She became one of those housewives she believed she would never turn into. She would cook, clean and keep the household going, while Kuljeet was at work. Simran would usually have a lot of time for herself, which she would spend with writing poems. She always had a certain passion for writing and that passion never faded away. Like her love for Raj. Even if Simran was living a pretty average life, she still felt empty. She missed Raj more and more with every day passing by. No a single day had passed by, where she didn't think of him. She even prayed for his well being. She would wonder a lot about what he would be up to these days. Simran let out a sad sigh and grabbed her book. She was currently writing a poetry book filled with lots of love poems, which of course were anonymously dedicated to Raj. She asked herself if Raj still loved her, since there was no sign of him trying to reach out to her after the day he left. She recently started working on a poem describing her current thoughts. "How can you stay away from me and go? How could your heart forget me? I am that fragrance which lives in the breaths. Now beloved, tell me how will you stop breathing?" She finally finished her poem and put aside her book. She headed to the kitchen and started preparing lunch.

She finished preparing lunch and started setting the table. An hour later her husband came home from work. "Hello love." He greeted her. "Hello." She cold heartedly said. Kuljeet always tried to make an effort on making this marriage work by showing her some love. But Simran on the other hand avoided him as much as possible, she didn't love him. That's why she saw no use in pretending to do so. "Are you hungry?" Simran asked looking slightly annoyed. "I am, shall we eat?" He said. "Sure." She said and sighed. She went into the kitchen and poured in some food for him and her and put it onto the table. She sat down and started eating. "The food is great!" Kuljeet stated. "Mhm.." Simran said not really caring much for what he was saying. "You know, works getting really  busy." He said. "Good for you." She said disinterested. "If we finish the project and it will be a success, we might have to move to London in the future!" He explained to her. When she heard London her thoughts immediately drifted to Raj, how they met at the rail station for the first time. How they said their goodbye there, he didn't lie, he didn't attend their wedding. Simran knew it was silly, but what if there was a slim chance she would be able to meet Raj again. "Well then you better work your butt off!" Simran said warning him. She finished her food quickly and went into the kitchen to put her dishes away. She was smiling again for the first time in a very long time. The thought of being able to meet Raj again made her happy. They weren't even sure of moving, but her heart couldn't help it, she was in love.
She was thinking of how they would spend their time together, how the could laugh together again, hold each other tightly. She carefully took out a picture from Raj out of her drawer. She still remembers how she sneakily took this picture from Raj without him realising the one night they were on the roof. She let out a sad filled laughter. She held the picture close to her heart for a while before putting it back. She kept hoping their paths would cross again one day in the future. She was sure there was a lot more to their story, than where they left off..

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