{Chapter 17}

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~Simran's POV~

Simran couldn't believe her eyes. Raj had proposed with the most beautiful ring her eyes had ever seen. Finally nothing and no one could ruin a single thing between them. "I love you." Simran said with a big smile on her face. "I love you too." Raj said while embracing her with a hug. When the night approached they decided to head home. This was one of the days Simran would never forget.

At home Simran sat down in their room and grabbed a book to read. Reading always helped her, to sort out her mind. She had a lot to think about. For example how to tell her parents, although she hadn't told her parents about the whole situation, she still wished her parents to be there for her and to attend the wedding.
"Señorita, what is bothering you?" Raj said quietly while approaching her. "Oh it's nothing." Simran said while trying to give him a convincing smile. She didn't want Raj to worry about this stuff, since she had to sort it out by herself anyway. "I'm tired, let's go sleep." She quickly said and went into bed. She hoped the following days would be easier.

The next day Simran had woken up rather early, so she decided to go down and make some breakfast.
"Good morning beautiful, its smelling delicious." Raj said while sitting down at the table. "Thank you." Simran said proudly. They enjoyed a lovely breakfast together. "I have to go to the company today, if you need anything please call me!" Raj said. "I'll be fine." Simran said smiling. Raj was always so caring, which Simran adored.

As the day went by Simran tried to call her parents without any luck.
After what felt like the billionth try Simran's mother picked up. Simran was very happy about that. "Hello mother!" She said. She catched up with her mother and tried to find the perfect timing to open up about the situation.
As she she told her mother and father about the truth she wasn't very pleased.
Tears started to form in her eyes, Simran didn't bother and let them fall.
After the argument with her parents and how they don't approve of her drastic changes she hung up.
She let herself down on the couch and just cried. She felt horrible.
A little later she got up and washed her face, Simran didn't want Raj to know she had been crying. Ten minutes later the Raj came back home. She ran up to him and embraced him with a tight hug. "What's this lovely hug for?" Raj said jokingly. "Its nothing." Simran smiled faintly. "Come on, I see something bothering you, why won't you tell me?" Raj said while suggesting them to sit down. He just knew her too good, to not notice something bothering her. "It's just my parents.. they don't approve of the things I did and of us.." Simran said in between of sobs. "Shh..Simran, you're such an angel, you've been doing things for others for way too long, this is your life and nobody else's, I know you would like your parents being more understanding, but don't you want to be happy?" Raj said concerned. Simran smiled a little and hugged him tight. "You always know what to say." She said. "Of course, I'm Raj." He said laughing a little. What would Simran do without him..

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