{Chapter 12}

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~Raj's POV~

It has been a quite afternoon. Raj sat down on the couch and drank some tea while doing some office work. He felt awful for Simran. His poor little angel going through so much, even though she didn't deserve it. Raj would always pray for her well being, for him she deserved the world. He promised himself to be the person who would gift her only the most beautiful sights of life. If he could, he would give that idiot Kuljeet what he deserved for dragging Simran in such state, but for her sake he kept calm.

Around 4pm the doorbell rang. Raj assumed it must be Simran who went for a walk. He left and headed to the door and opened it. There Raj was welcomed with a hysterical Simran. "What happened?" A worried Raj asked when Simran walked in. He closed the door after her and followed her a bit. "Oh nothing, just under a lot of stress.." she said. "Oh I understand, can I do something for you?" Raj asked. "No, thank you." Simran said. "Are you sure? You seen a bit off." He made sure. "Yes, I am sure, now if you excuse me, I will go and take a shower!" She hissed. And with that she left. Raj chuckled. Sometimes Simran could be really stubborn.

Raj continued to finish his work, till he heard some sobbing. He assumed it must have been coming from upstairs. He went upstairs and searched for where the sound is coming from. Raj recognized it was coming from the bathroom, so it must be Simran who was sobbing. He knocked on the bathroom door and asked "Simran are you alright?" Raj stood there waiting for  an answer. "I-I'm fine.. go away.." Simran said with a broken voice. "Come on Simran, open the damn door!" An inpatient Raj said. "No! Please go..!" She said almost whispering, although you could still hear her cry. Raj carefully opened the door. "Next time if you want to be alone, lock the door!" He said while walking in. He noticed how red and swollen her eyes were. "What happened? Why were you crying?" Raj said and sat down next to her. He took her into his arms and caressed her. He stroke her back and tried to calm her down. "I don't know how to tell you.." she quietly said. That's when Raj noticed the pregnancy test. He was shocked. "You're..pregnant..?" Raj asked. "..yes.." simran sadly said. He was confused and quite hurt. He didn't know why, but it hurt him. "W-hen, I-I mean how did that happen?" Raj quietly asked. "Well.. our parents were always pushing and asking for grandchildren.. and it just happened.." Simran said and let out a sigh. "What am I supposed to do now?" She said and buried her face on her legs. "No matter what happens, I'll be there for you!" Raj said comforting her. "A little baby is a blessing, isn't it?" Raj said and shrugged his shoulders. "But, how am I going to manage that with Kuljeet, I don't want to see him again!" Simran explained to him. "Well, don't your worry about that, everything will be just fine, now isn't that an occasion to celebrate?" Raj said and tried to fake a smile. Even if he didn't show it and tried to be strong for Simran, he was deeply hurt. Raj just couldn't adapt to the fact that she was going to have a child with Kuljeet. There was no way to change that now, all he could do is be there for her. "Thank you Raj, for everything.." she said and smiled a little. "Oh its nothing." He said. "I love you.." she said as she pulled him into a tight hug. "I love you too.." he whispered as he hugged her.

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