{Chapter 7}

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~Simran's POV~

As she continued her walk she held her head down and didn't pay much attention to her surroundings. Out of sudden Simran bumped into someone else. "I'm so sorry." She apologised while looking up to an oddly familiar face. "Oh that's alright." He said. It didn't take them long to realise who they were standing in front of. "Simran?" He asked. Simran's face immediately lit up. "Raj! I can't believe it!" She said and jumped into his arms. She embraced him with a long tight hug. Simran couldn't believe her eyes. It has been way too long since she last got to hug him. She had missed him so much. After a long lasting hug Raj slowly backed up. "What are you doing here?" He said while smiling. You could tell he missed her too. "We moved here." She said. "Who's we?" Raj curiously asked. "Kuljeet and I.." simran replied. "He got a job offer at Malhotra company & co." She added. Raj's smile slowly faded away. They had so much to catch up on, so Raj suggested them to sit down on a bench. "So I see, you two got married, congrats.." he sadly said. "Thank you.." Simran said. It saddened her to see him like that. "So what are you up to these days señorita?" He asked. "Well besides being a housewife, I published a few books." Simran replied. "That is amazing! Well you know I took over my fathers company." Raj said and smiled a little. "Wait so you own Malhotra company & co.?" She asked. "Yes I do." He replied. "Oh that is really nice, good for you! So you will be working with Kuljeet." She said and smiled. "Thank you and I certainly will. Well being honest he will be working for me." He said and laughed. She joined in the laughter. It was a great feeling for her to finally laugh again.
"I had missed you." He confessed. She gave him a warm smile. "I missed you too." She said. "3 years since we last saw each other.." he said. Simran looked down. She understood and felt his pain
Afterall she felt like it was all her fault.
"It has been indeed very long." She quietly said. "So how are things with your husband?" He asked. "Good, good." She lied. "That's nice." Raj said. "And have you found yourself someone?" Simran asked. Usually she wasn't very interested in other peoples business, but her heart just needed to know. "No I didn't señorita, you know, the perfect woman never came by, because you know, why settle with someone when one has beautiful hair, one has beautiful eyes.." he said. Simran playfully hit his shoulder. "You haven't changed a bit, have you!" Simran said while giggling. "No I haven't, I'm the same old Raj you left. But I can tell you have changed." He said looking at her. "Time changes people Raj." She confessed. His phone began to ring, interrupting their conversation. "Excuse me for a moment." He said taking the call. "Yes I'll be there in 10 minutes, okay I'll hurry, fine goodbye." He said ending his phone call. "I'm sorry work is calling, I have to go. Simran you have no idea how happy I got seeing you again, I'm sure I'll see you around! Take care, it would be nice if you visit the office sometime." He said while hugging her goodbye. He quickly left for work.

Simran was finally happy again. Not only her face, but also her heart smiled today. Raj made her happy. She already missed him, she hoped they would be meeting up more often. Not as lovers, but a friends. No matter how much she loved him, she was married after all..

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