{Chapter 11}

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~Simran's POV~

Simran told Raj about everything that had happened today. Simran could trust him with her life. He was a great listener and always knew how to cheer her up. He had a very comforting personality. She always felt pretty comfortable around him. "You know, you can stay here for some time, till you can get back on your feet." Raj suggested. She tried to put on a smile. "Thank you Raj.." Simran said and embraced him with a tight hug. After the day she had, she was just so exhausted and ready for bed. "Do you mind if I sleep.. I'm pretty exhausted?" Simran shyly said. "No, not at all." Raj replied. He showed her to one of the guest rooms and prepared everything for her. Simran laid down and it didn't take long for her to fall asleep. "Goodnight." Raj whispered. He carefully kissed her forehead and left the room.

The next day Simran woke up to nausea, that made her throw up. She had been feeling a little sick lately and the whole Kuljeet situation sucked even more life out of her. But she didn't want to give it more thought, so Simran just assumed she had catched a virus or something. She took a shower and made herself ready for the day. Little later she head downstairs to the kitchen where she was welcomed with a lovely smell. "Good morning señorita." Raj greeted her with a warm smile. "Good morning!" Simran replied with a warm smile. "Breakfast is almost ready!" Raj said. "That sounds great. Is there anything I can help you with?" Simran asked. "No just sit down by the table." He replied. Simran sat down by the table and not much later Raj joined her. They had a nice breakfast together and talked about different topics. As they talked Simran came to the conclusion that her life being so complicated was all her fault. "You know. Today I'll go and file for a divorce.." Simran slid that into the conversation. "Do you want me to come with you?" Raj looked up and asked. "Thank you, but no. I have to get this done by myself. Something I should have done ages ago or better said, never let happen.." she said and let out a sigh. "Thank you for being there for me. I appreciate it!" Simran said and formed a little smile. "Oh, of course, afterall that is what friends are there for am I right?" He said. "Yeah." Simran said. "Friends.." oddly enough that didn't sound right to her.

Later that day, after she had been to the lawyers Simran went for a walk. She looked for a post office. Simran didn't have the strength to face Kuljeet, he was the last person she wanted to see.
After struggling for a while Simran found a post office and went inside of it. She send the divorce papers to her then home. Once she was done she decided she wanted to go for a walk. So Simran went for a walk. Lots of thoughts had been crossing her mind lately. For example she hadn't told her parents about the whole situation. Being honest to herself, Simran didn't really want to tell her parents. She didn't have much energy left to hear about what a mistake she had done. After all the talks about forcing her into this marriage and getting pregnant, she tried to distance herself from her parents. It didn't take a while before a huge exclamation mark popped up in her head. This could be the last thing, that Simran needed in her life. She wanted all to be just a bad dream. But all the nausea.. and her being certainly late, ringed a bell. Simran quickly rushed off to a drugstore. She prayed for all this to be some kind of sick twisted joke..

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