{Chapter 3}

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~Simran's POV~

Simran had awaken from a restless night. She wasn't feeling like waking up. She wasn't ready to face the world yet. This was the day her life would end and leave her broken inside. Simran finally gave in and crawled out of bed, made her bed and headed to the bathroom. She took a shower and got ready for the day. She sat down at her vanity and brushed her hair. "So this was going to be my life now.." she thought to herself while letting out a long sigh. Simran always preferred to be natural, that's why she only put on some light make up.

A little later Simran's mother entered her room with a wedding dress in her arms. She gently put down the saree and slowly walked over to Simran. "My beloved daughter, I wanted to talk to you." She said and sat down on Simran's bed with her. "I know this isn't easy for you, but I'm sure your father had his reasons, he believes Kuljeet will make a great husband." She said trying to comfort her daughter. "I know, parents only want the best for their children." Simran said and tried to fake a smile. She stood up and walked over to the dress. She took a deep breath before picking up the dress. Not only did her mind tell her to not touch this dress, but also her heart told her to run away. "You will make the most beautiful bride!" Her mother said approaching her and planting a kiss on her forehead. With that her mother left. Simran stared at the dress for quite a time before putting it on. Indeed, she was looking very beautiful today. But that wasn't very important to her. Simran thought about how a day that is supposed to be the most memorable day in a persons life turned out to be so unbearable. She looked at herself in the mirror, the person she was seeing was no longer Simran, it was an illusion. The Simran everyone knew and loved was long gone..

The ceremony began later that day. All Simran wanted was for this day to be over as soon as possible.
She looked around and everyone seemed so happy. She was disgusted by each and everyone of them. How could she consider these people family? Not much later it was time. Soon she would be Kuljee'ts wife. A scenario she thought would only happen with Raj, was now happening with him. It all felt so wrong, but she didn't have the strength to face her entire family. So instead of running away she decided the easiest thing would be to marry Kuljeet. Along the way she learned that it was easy to pretend you are happy. No one bothers to see if you're wearing a mask. "I do." Kuljeet said. Now it was my time. Her heart ached. She felt like she was betraying the love of her life. Simran saw no other option than saying yes. "I do." She said quietly. They exchanged rings and were announced as husband and wife. Her heart was broken. She wasn't very happy, but did he have another choice?

The festivities started and everyone started to dance, have a talk with a family member or fill the room with laughter. Even if the room was filled with happiness, Simran was the only one who felt a wave of sadness.
She tried to avoid everyone around her, so she tried to find an opportunity to sneak out onto the roof. The roof was her favourite spot of the whole mansion. It was the place she held the most memories. She perfectly remembered how Raj and her would sneak out too meet each other in private. How their conversations went on for hours. She remembered everything in details. Simran realised how much she missed him and how from now on her life would be meaningless. The thought of him brought a little smile on her lips.
Simran was aware that life would be difficult, she loved another man with all her heart while she belonged to someone else. Tears build up in her eyes as she noticed how quickly he became a memory. As a quote in one of her favourite books say "they were as close as 31st December and 1st January, yet years apart..."

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