{Chapter 18}

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~Simran's POV~

Today was the day of the shaadi.
Everything finally seemed to be perfect.
Life who once was against them started to do favours for them.
There was no one left to be against the pair of them. They were really relieved and glad about that.
Finay the day they had been dreaming about 6 years ago had arrived.
Although there was still something upsetting Simran, even if she didn't like to admit that.
Her parents absence made her very sad.
She would have wished for them to be more understanding and to be there for her on her big day, but they were not.
Her parents were always the ones who said they want to see her happy, but what are they doing now? The exact opposite.

Simran didn't realise, that she had shed a few tears, until Raj came in and wiped them away.
She thanked him with a faint smile and just hugged him tightly.
"Thinking of your parents again?" He asked quietly, while holding her. Simran just nod. "Simran, I know it would have meant the world to you, but for once think about yourself, you deserve to be happy and no one and I mean no one is allowed to ruin it, not even your parents.." Raj said trying to comfort her.
It worked indeed. He always had this impact on her and Simran never knew how, but she loved it. Raj was the only one left making her feel like she matters. He was right, she did deserve to be happy, everyone does afterall.

Later on the festivities began.
"May I have this dance Mrs. Malhotra?" Raj asked with a smirk on his face.
"Of course Mr. Malhotra!" Simran replied. He took her hand and carefully went to the dance floor.
They started to dance and it felt magical.
Everyone could basically see the sparks between them.
Simran was grateful for having Raj in her life.
He means the world to her.
She would not have it any other way.
"I love you." She mumbled.
"I love you too Señorita." He said.
Raj kissed her softly.
She still had butterflies in her stomach whenever Raj kissed her.
This feeling started around the first time Raj tried to kiss her, without any luck.

The day eventually went to an end and everyone went home.
Simran felt so good to be his wife.
She would not trade this for anything in the world.
She felt like her world was finally beginning to be more peaceful.
Simran believes that everything happens for a reason.
Being parted from him made him more precious to her and she started to learn that she should fight for her happiness and rule about her own life.

"What are you thinking about?" Raj said while laying down next to her.
She faced him and smiled.
"Just about how much I love you and how grateful I am to have you." She said. "Well you don't know how happy I am to have such a wonderful person as my wife. Everything we went through was worth it after all!" He said.
He put his arm around her waist and made her snuggle into him even more.
Their heartbeats perfectly harmonized.
Simran was now sure she had found her soulmate. Peacefully they drifted off to sleep.

A/N: I just wanted to thank everyone for this incredibly sweet support since the beginning. Love you guys for motivating me and making my day!

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