{Chapter 14}

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~Raj's POV~

Raj heard a body collapse and hit the ground. He turned around to see Simran laying there unconsciously. Raj screamed in fear "Simran!" and immediately ran to her and kneeled down. "Everthing is going to be alright, please stay with me!" He said in shock. Raj called for an ambulance and waited for their arrival. Raj carefully caressed her cheek, as he felt all of this was his fault. Not a while later Simran was taken to the hospital, Raj following.

Raj went up and down the aisles of the hospital at least a plenty of times. No doctor in sight. He was starting to freak out, yet he tried to maintain his calm. He wanted to shake off every bad thought. Raj felt awful, he just didn't want that to be the last thing he said to her. After what felt like an eternity a doctor came out. "Doctor, how is she doing, can I see her?" Raj worryingly said. "She is doing better, follow me." The doctor said. As said as done. Raj followed him into her room and quietly stood next to him. He was relieved to see her up and quite steady. She did look quite tired and her eyes were still red and swollen, must have been from crying Raj assumed. It broke his heart to see her in such state, the worst part about all of this was that he was part of the reason she wasted tears on somebody. The doctor ripped him out of his thoughts. "Ms. Singh, would you like the bad news or good news first?.." he quietly said. Raj saw a wave of worry approaching Simrans face, so he walked to her and took her hand into his. He was always going to be there for her, that was to be sure of. "T-the good news first please.." she said with shaking voice. "Well the good news is that you are doing quite alright and may be released tomorrow." The doctor replied. "And the bad news?" Raj carefully asked. "The bad news is that.. due to high stress levels, you.. lost your baby.. I'm so sorry." He said and left Simran and Raj alone behind. Simran was in total shock, so was Raj. "I-I'm oh god I'm so sorry Simran." He said and embraced her in a tight hug. "I'm just so shocked.. this is not fair Raj." Simran said in between sobs. Raj caressed her cheeks into his hands and wiped her tears away. "Its going to be okay, I'm here for you Simran, you're not alone!" He said trying to comfort her. She hugged him even tighter. Raj stroke her back and reassured, that everything is going to be alright. He felt awful, he couldn't imagine how sad she must feel. Although it wasn't Rajs child, he was ready to treat it like his own baby, for Simran. Faith just didn't want to play with them..

The next day Raj and Simran went home. Both were quite, not much was said that morning. Raj didn't know what to say or what to do. He didn't want to say much, he was really careful about what he was going to say, so she wouldn't be reminded of her loss.
At home Raj decided to cook something for her, her favourite food to cheer her up a little. Simran seemed a little off today, but who was there to blame her. Raj went into the living room and sat down next to her. "Even though the baby was unexpected, I still started loving it." She sadly said. He put an arm around her and held her close. "I know Simran, I know.. but after every rain, a rainbow appears." Raj said. "What if not, I should just accept my fate and live my miserable life." She said crying. "Simran, look at me. You are the strongest woman I know! Has anything ever before stopped you from living every day to the fullest? Maybe this time destiny played against you, but theres always a next time!" He explained to her. "I don't know anymore Raj.." she said and buried her face into the hands. Raj out a deep sigh. "Simran, please I love you, I hate to see you in such state. Believe me together we can build up our future again and turn it much brighter." He said. Simran looked at him and stood still. "You're not alone and never will be, it might seem a little insensitive, but maybe God had other plans for you." He said. Still she said nothing and listened. "I love you Simran.." Raj said. He leaned over and kissed her. He was relieved when she kissed him back. It might be too soon to say, but Raj could say it's going to be a hard and long road, but he had his Simran back. And this time nobody would steal his bride!

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