{Chapter 8}

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~Raj's POV~

The past few weeks have been wonderful for Raj. He would see Simran more often, since Kuljeet started working for him. She would take the excuse bringing him his lunch and that would give them a chance to talk. Which he loved, so he couldn't complain. Raj was finally feeling happy again after all this time. Even if Simran wasn't his bride, she was still his best friend and that was good too.

"Hello!" A familiar voice said approaching him. There she was, the bright and beautiful Simran. "Hello Señorita!" Raj said looking up from his computer. "Have a seat." He said pointing to a free chair in front of his desk. "How's work going?" Simran asked. "Almost done." Raj said smiling at her. Their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in!" Raj said. Chandni walked inside his office. "I have the documents you asked for, plus your favourite brownies." Chandni said while giggling. She put the files and brownies down on his desk. "Thank you! You're such a doll!" Raj said embracing Chandni with a hug. Simran cleared her throat rather loudly. "Oh I'm sorry, didn't mean to interrupt you guys." She said. Raj felt that she was jealous. Simran couldn't stand seeing him with someone else. That oddly made him happy, he knew she still felt the same about him, even after all these years that had passed by. "You must be Simran! It's a pleasure to meet you. Raj she's really pretty, good catch!" Chandni said while changing glances between them. "She is." Raj said before Chandni left. He knew he had some explaining to do judging by Simran's expression. "If you're wondering, Chandni is my receptionist and best friend and yes I have mentioned you to her before." Raj said. "Huh.. good for you, I mean she seems nice!" Simran said while her face turned red. "You aren't jealous, are you?" Raj said chuckling. "Of course not, I'm married, why would I be jealous!" She protested. "Because you love me, that's why!" Raj explained. "I don't Raj, I'm a married woman, I only love my husband." Simran said quietly. Raj was aware that she was lying, it still hurt him to know, that they might never have a future together. "Hey care to join me for dinner tonight?" Raj offered her. "That sounds fabulous." Simran said smiling slightly. "Well I'll see you around 8pm at my house?" He asked. "I'll be there." She reassured him.

"I had no idea your cooking was this great!" Simran said while laughing. "Well never underestimate me again señorita!" Raj said while smiling at her.
"It's delicious!" She said smiling. "I'm glad." Raj said. "So tell me, how's Chandni like?" Simran asked curiously. "Well she's wonderful, she has that great smile, awesome personality and her body, to die for." He said teasingly. He tried to hold in his laughter, but he failed and burst out into laughter. "Oh shut up, I hate you!" She said annoyed. "No you don't!" Raj stated. "How come you're so sure of if?" Simran asked raising an eyebrow. "Well let me tell you." He said. He took Simran's arm gently and pulled her closer to him. They were just inches apart. Practically only a sheet of paper could fit in between them. "Simran, I only love you, else I'd be spending my night with her and not you!" He said. Their heart beat synchronized, in a way of telling how they both feel. "Raj I-.." simran tried to say, but Raj interrupted her by putting a finger on her lips. "Don't say anything." Raj whispered. He leaned in for a kiss, but before their lips met, Simran's phone began to ring. "It's rather late Raj, I should better head home." She said and rushed home. He let out a sigh. "Maybe she hasn't changed after all." He thought and shook his head. What a day.

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