{Chapter 2}

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~Raj's POV~

"I'm so sorry son, I know how much you wanted to take her home with us today.." his father said quietly.
Raj was lost in his thoughts, he didn't really pay attention to the environment around him. All he was able to focus on was, how he had lost everything he loved. He didn't want to understand why her father didn't let her go. He understood that he lied and that was wrong of him to do so, but why did Simran's father see no good in him at all? There had to be something he was doing right. Was it wrong of him to love Simran more than anything? Raj really thought he would be taking his bride home with him, but he was wrong, so wrong. He was alone, practically lost without her. No words could come close on describing the pain he felt. Not even the pain caused by his wounds. Everything seemed meaningless to him. Raj knew he wouldn't stand a chance going back, he had lost the battle,
so he just gave up.
He looked around, he wished he could see his Simran one more time, hug her tightly, reassure everything would be fine and promise he'd take care of everything, but he had broken his promise. He was awfully disappointed in himself, for not being able to keep a promise. All he could think about was Simran, how she was doing, if she was alright. Nobody knew what the future may hold, all that was clear was the fact that the world has turned their back against them. It was a pointless fight to continue. For the first time Raj gave up. Usually he would work for things he wanted, but this time he saw no reason in continuing this endless fight. One day the world would turn into his friend and everything would be just right.

Time seemed to stand still, all the endless hours slowly passed by.
Raj didn't only loose Simran today, but he also lost himself. He lost his smile.
He never cared much about anything in life, nothing seemed really important to him. He has always been the caring free guy. But all that changed the day he met Simran, she brought out a side in him, not even himself knew it existed. In a good way of course. The fact that he might never see her again hit him deeply, he couldn't process this thought, no he didn't want to process this thought. Simran was his life, without her what was he meant to do?

Something that turned out to be this beautiful, revealed itself as a nightmare. How come when you deeply wish for something to go right, it goes the opposite direction? An announcement echoed through the whole train. "We will be reaching the London central station briefly." So there he was, in London, without Simran.
It felt weird not having her here.
Raj felt a sudden emptiness and sadness. He was practically just being present, not living. The emptiness and quietness of their home never bothered him, but today he couldn't take it. How bad would he want to show Simran around, fill the house with their laughter. Most importantly hold his future wife's hand. He loved Simran deeply and that was the problem! People portrayed being in love as a crime, but wasn't it simply being human?

A restless night approached the two of them. The sun set, yet the day didn't end their misery. Raj just laid on his bed staring into the blank. He was thinking of the past month, how he would sneak out onto the roof trying to talk to her. Tell her about his day, his plans, how she would talk about her feelings and he would gladly listen. How they'd share a laughter, a smile a hug. He couldn't believe in just a glimpse she became a memory..

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