{Chapter 9}

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~Raj's POV~

A few days had passed since that little incident between Simran and Raj. Even though she would still come and pay him a visit, he felt that she distanced herself from him. He assumed it was better this way, to not wake up old feelings. After all she was a married woman and he respected that. He concentrated on finishing some work before his lunch break. A little later Raj finished all his work and escorted some of his employees to the break room.
"You really made something out of yourself!" Kuljeet said approaching Raj. "Yes, if I can say so." He said sipping his coffee. Raj really couldn't stand the sight of him. He was jealous of the fact that he was able to see Simran all the time, walk home with her, wake up next to her, get to see her smile. He sighed and tried to ignore him. Chandni  joined the two of them for lunch. "Woah, who's that sexy thing?" Kuljeet said. Raj thought he didn't hear right. "How dare he to talk about other woman like that, when he has the most gorgeous girl at home?!" Chandni greeted them. "Hello you two." She smiled politely at them. Chandni was a nice girl, but Raj never saw more than a friend in her. Sometimes he had the feeling she had a crush on him, but Raj couldn't ever forget about Simran, so he never paid any further attention to that. "Hello beautiful." Kuljeet said. Raj almost choked on his coffee. "Excuse me, I need to make a call.." Raj said and left the room. He couldn't believe it. He wouldn't want to believe why Kuljeet would be flirting with Chandni. He was married for God's sake. Raj always found Kuljeet disgusting, he called himself a man, yet he behaved like an animal. He just really hoped he wouldn't cheat on Simran, else there would be another blood bath!

Raj decided not to tell anything about the little incident to Simran. If everything turned out to be a mistake he wouldn't want to make a fool out of himself. Besides it would be the best for him not to push the relationship of Simran and him. He finished off his work right in time as Chandni came into his office. "Hi, I know it's quite late, but would you like to join me and a few others to go out clubbing?" She said. "Thank you, but I think I have to sit this one out, it is quite late and I do have an important meeting tomorrow." Raj explained to her. "Well that's a pity, but you're right, you're the responsible adult here!" Chandni said giggling. "Don't talk like I'm 80! Also don't drink too much, you know how much of pain in the ass you can get when you're drunk!" Raj said joining the laughter. "Hey you're mean! Anyway see you tomorrow!" She said and hugged him goodbye. Raj liked the childish side of Chandni, it reminded him of Simran.
His mind didn't miss a chance to think of her. Just like his heart. His whole world evolved around her.

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