{Chapter 10}

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~Simran's POV~

Lately life has been very strange for Simran. Since the little incident between Raj and her, she tried to distance herself from him. Yet she didn't want to completely distance herself from him. After all Raj was right, she loved him. But Simran never let herself forget, that she was a married woman and that is why she followed her head and not heart. She didn't seem to find any piece at home either. Her husband acted very strangely towards her and would rarely pay attention to her. Not that Simran cared much about the situation, it still made her question everything. He would come home later than usual and be very tensed when talking to her. Simran didn't want to jump to any conclusions, so she just shook of her thoughts.

"Hey, I baked you some cookies!" Simran greeted Raj while entering his office. "Hey Señorita, thank you for the cookies, they smell amazing, you didn't have to tough!" Raj politely said and gratefully accepted the box of cookies.
"No worries, my pleasure. I thought I will drop you these by before I give Kuljeet his lunch and head off to work." Simran explained to him. "Ah yes right, how is work?" He asked her. "It's wonderful, the kids are amazing and sometimes I even read them something from my books." She said with the biggest smile on her face. Simran had started working at a local daycare, since she always loved children. "I am glad you're enjoying it!" He said smiling at her. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow." Simran said and left to find Kuljeet.
He was nowhere to be seen, so she decided to just put his food in the break room. As she was about to enter the room, Simran discovered to very familiar faces. She couldn't believe her eyes. Kuljeet and Chandni making out. She was disgusted by the sight, sick to her stomach. Simran didn't understand how he could do that to her, after all she sacrificed for him. She quietly entered the room. "Rott in hell you bloody idiot!" Simran said angrily while throwing his lunch at him. Before he could said anything Simran ran out of the office. She felt like someone was twisting her guts. Simran wasn't hurt by his cheating, it wasn't like she loved him. Just the thought of what she had to go through for him made life seem unfair. She left the love of her life behind and married him and this is the thank she gets? Simran sat down on a park bench and started to cry. Life seemed so unfair. All the things she had done for him were for nothing. It felt like Simran had just been hit in the face. She didn't know what to do. She slowly wiped her tears away and looked over to her watch. "Shit, I'm going to be late.." she thought before storming off to work.

Today has been definitely one of the worst days for Simran. She felt alone and empty. It was for sure that she would never see him again. She never should have married him in the first place. Technically this was all her fault.
She didn't want to face him so she decided to go to Raj. He always found a way to cheer up, he had something very special to him, that made everyone else fall in love with him. She finally arrived at his place and knocked on rang the bell. "Hi.. Raj. I'm sorry to bother you at this late hour, but may I come in?" Simran said. "Of course, come in." Raj said and made some room for her to enter the house. "Thanks." She quietly sat while planting herself on the couch. "What's wrong?" He asked. "So much.." she replied. "Tell me everything, I'm all ears!" Raj said while sitting down next to her. So Simran began to tell him what happened today.

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