Kill it with fire.

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I was looking off in the distance at the awe-inducing city when I heard Apple scream.
My heart turned to ice and my blood froze. I needed to get over there and make sure that she was okay. But Rocky has beat me to that-he was already running over. I quickly followed.
When we got there, I saw a trembling Apple hiding behind that hybrid, Starshine. Starshine seemed to be trying to be brave, but looked just as fearful. When I craned my head to get a look at what had scared them I regretted it.
The thing was horrific, it's eyes bloodshot and patches of fur were missing. It growled at them, it's tail flicking to the right once. It suddenly lunged at Apple and Starshine.
Apple screamed and I ran to help her, only to feel Rocky shove me aside and light the thing on fire. It's howls of pain echoed through the area.
I flinched. We quickly put out the fire. All I remember thinking was 'I wasn't there in time.'

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